Silent Hill 2 is a very complex and deep game, and one of the most important horror games made by Team Silent, the problem is, that almost nobody understands it. Silent Hill is the most misunderstood franchise in the gaming culture specially SH2, mostly because people tend to spread false information about this game, like saying that Mary isn't abusive (even tho Masahiro Ito which is responsible for the symbolisms of this game, says that the flesh lips is a metaphor of Mary's mouth which was used to abuse James), saying that James is a bad person, didn't loved her, or that James or Pyramid Head is a r4p1st, non of these are true, are all made up lies that goes against the evidences and the whole meaning of the game and it's plot. So sad how a beautiful game got in the wrong hands of some people. This game has a defined canon and it's not open for "interpretations" this game is just complex, and people who doesn't do their research tend to spread this idea that the game is open to interpret however u want, which isn't true. This game is very inspired by the works of Sigmund Freud, James's relationship is very complex, and James got his reasons to end Mary's life.

Every monster in this game has it's symbolisms, so the areas of this game, like that part of James walking down the stairs, which represents that we are getting deeper into James's mind. This game has a lot of details and everything in this game is just pure genius. I've made a 7 hour analysis of this game, and i got to say, this game will forever be a timeless masterpiece, i doubt the remake will ever be able to get close of what SH2 is.

Easily the worst silent hill behind downpour, not only this game makes a complete disservice of everything team silent built for the lore of silent hill, but also it's a horrible game in almost every aspect i can think of

This is everything but stalker

Kinda repetitive but it's still a pretty decent game, there's so many things on this game that could've been fixed tho