I found myself kicking a rock down the street for a while and thought, "Holy shit! I'm actually LIVING in this game."

Some of the cleanest chunks of polygons you will ever see in your life

There are 108 characters to recruit, most of which are party additions while the rest set up shops and games in your very own castle headquarters. The Suikoden series relies heavily on invoking emotions to draw players into compelling tales of tragedies and triumphs. S3 is played from the perspectives of three warriors (two opposing and one neutral) so that we can experience war from all sides.

SSBM is all that is Nintendo. The multiplayer fiascos will keep you entranced for hours on end, but the single player levels are just as addictive. Unlocking every trophy is something many players set out to do, but few ever accomplish.

TS2 still reigns supreme as the ultimate offline multiplayer FPS.

THPS3 marked the pinnacle of the series with bigger, brighter, and goofier levels and the addition of the revert powerslide which linked together all forms of trick into potentially endless combos.

Insanely crisp, mind-blowing polygon chunk

if i like tekken 8 so much then why don't i marry it, and i think i will, i think i will marry tekken 8

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Tail of the Sun was released for the original Playstation in 1997 by Artdink. It's an extraordinary experience set in an expansive open world featuring various monuments, landmarks, and oddities.

To beat the game, you'll simply need to kill animals and return the meat to your tribe until your weapon levels up enough to take on mammoths, which are located in the Tundra, north of your village. When the mammoth tusks are returned to your tribe, they are stacked until you can climb high enough to reach the "tail" of the sun.

However, once that's accomplished, you'll probably have a lot left to explore if you want to see everything this prehistoric wonderland has to offer. The instruction manual includes a map to get you started and furthermore lists some unmapped items and suggests there are many more.

Play this one on Retro Achievements so that your discoveries will count for something on paper.