david crane is a genius, i'm gonna call this one a metroidvania since you need new jelly beans to reach new places in an open world

Inside is amazing from the get-go and proceeds to get better, climaxing with a mind-blowing series of events that wouldn't be conjured up in your wildest dreams... or nightmares. My girlfriend was so scared that she had to put the controller down and walk away. She had to get Outside.

Playdead has assembled a roller coaster of intense situations and puzzles to boggle the mind for just the right amount of time. No challenge is so difficult as to interfere with the story which unfolds with no outright exposition let alone any dialogue whatsoever.

Don't play another minute of anything else until you've set aside three to four hours for Playdead's Inside. It's guaranteed to immediately mesmerize.

I hate this game. It's soooo stupid because I suck at it. And get this- there is a camera in the game and you have to control it. No other game makes you do that. Oh, and ewwww you have to collect things! I don't want to get anything ever in any game. Please just give me totally empty worlds- I don't want incentives to explore every corner.

And it's wayyy too long. No, I mean it's too short. It's too long and short. We should all just give a bad rating now because it will probably have DLC and all games with DLC are bad.

What's worst of all, it can't run perfectly on my computer which I just got eight years ago. OMG no, the very worst thing is that they removed an actor's voice from the game just because he was revealed to be a raving racist right before the launch of the game! Way to go you stupid democrats! I think I should've had a say in that matter. I helped fund the game on kickstarter from the very beginning, even though I hate the Banjo series and platformers in general. I thought this would be different.

fat, medium, skinny hockey is still some of the best hockey

backwards difficulty curve where if you learn how to beat the first level, you're rewarded with a solid action romp

TS2 still reigns supreme as the ultimate offline multiplayer FPS.

I found myself kicking a rock down the street for a while and thought, "Holy shit! I'm actually LIVING in this game."

if i like tekken 8 so much then why don't i marry it, and i think i will, i think i will marry tekken 8

one man. one world. one desire. isolated. HIGH OCTAANE

it's called violence killer in japan

no cracks or hand holding means everything is anywhere and you can find it all

AC is a wacky life simulator with a tranquil cadence that never delivers an action packed moment, but there's also never a dull one. Playing it year round in hopes of catching seasonal fish and bugs while overlooking the town's cyclic changes is time consuming, but a pleasure nonetheless.

"are games art?" first of all, f@ck you, second of all, here's one

the ultimate horror adventure game where most of your underpowered characters are meant to die. perhaps the most underrated game of all time.

still the pinnacle of hockey games