Field graphics look like the most B tier PS1 game you can imagine.

Combat system is 'enemies are weak against their weakness'. Okay so I'll just do that then? What's the caveat? Where's the depth?

Battle music is blatant trolling.

Protagonist is this soulless looking human shaped husk with a blank stare.

Story is impossible to take seriously. Government places the fate of the world in a few high school students part time, give them weapons (no, better yet they sell them weapons) and send them off to a demon tower with no combat training whatsoever, only a persona summoning device in the shape of a gun (why tho) that the user points at their head.

Having exploration be a menu is profoundly broken. What's the sense in having to select talk to Joe and then selecting that you want to talk to Sandy. Why not just have both dialogues play automatically. That's like if you rented a DVD and find that the movie is split up into 120 menu selections that each last a minute long.

Calendar systems in general are shit.

This game, as any Persona game probably, is predicated on making promises- big nosed limo guy mentioning how awesome personas will be, so don't worry my man, you get to play the game eventually.

This is probably a little kid's game in Japan and we're being made fools of.

Dig Dug rebooted as a Mr. Driller spinoff game. Super woke. Has Undergrounders.

This should be a franchise with fully 3D overworlds where you explore and look for manhole entrances and the like that would contain the classic 2D levels.

It's like they knew that the idea behind the game (public domain book characters led by Abraham Lincoln to fight aliens) was so stupid and the execution so half-baked that they didn't bother polishing the gameplay. The character's movement and lack of 'oomph' in the weapons make the game feel a like a throwaway effort.

Other issues are that the enemy designs are super forgettable and the story is basically a 0/10 and can be pretty corny also.

Unironically better than boost formula. There's even platforming, exploration (this really a racing game?) and a drift mechanic as well. It's just too bad the game is short as sin.

No fitting room. Hell, there's nothing even to stop you from buying a weapon that you already have plenty of. Does the game expect me to write down everything I have and who can equip what?

This is an assortment of missions that score your performance at the end, much like an arcade game. There isn't much of a storyline, but the gameplay is so finely executed and offers so much replayability that it's hard to care. It just feels spot on and even looks great visually. (Well to be fair I'd rather not have to use touchscreen to reload but I'll let it slide.) This is hands down the best Vita shooter. It's also a great stealth game even if it's only one-fourth of the game.

Are you kidding me? I can't believe this is delisted everywhere. It's the only "Trials" or anything resembling Trials that I actually liked in any capacity, and I really, REALLY liked this. It's like 2D Sonic in a way, but way smarter, as the emphasis is more on mastery as opposed to cheap hits, and sports way deeper physics. There's an incredibly fun/addicting gameplay loop wherein you try to get the best time you can, earning you stars to upgrade your vehicle, in order to be able to get even better times in all stages, earning you more upgrades etc. Heckin' genius. To this day I have not played any other mobile game that captivated me to the extent that this did, that isn't a Magic the Gathering tie-in. If anyone knows a way to be able to play this, kindly please leave a comment. I'm genuinely curious about the feasibility.

Doesn't settle for merely bad, playing this feels borderline abusive. At the start of each stage there is a windup sequence where have to wait your guy get dropped through various tunnels and only until it says go you can actually start playing. But very first thing your guy does, literally the very first thing is randomly hop around without your input, before you even get a chance to do anything, even if you were mashing the buttons the whole time waiting to finally play.

In this game you don't move by using the directional pad and jump by pressing X or something normal like that. Instead you have to use L/R buttons to move left/right and jump by pressing both L and R simultaneously. Technically the gameplay would have functioned equally well the other way, so doing it this way accomplishes nothing but make playing the game feel more laborious.

So anyway, anywhere from ninety to ninety-five percent of each stage simply involves holding down the R button while repeatedly mashing the L button. There are very few instances anywhere in the entire game with any challenge and even those instances are quite easy. There are plenty of instances however (nearly in every stage in fact) where a collectible is teased but it's suddenly too late to get it without starting the whole stage over, as if the game is saying "ha, ha, that's what you get for not being psychic!"

The graphics are very basic and gross. The background is white pretty much all the time and everything else resembles paper craft. The entire game feels like it takes place on the wall of a pediatrician's office. Some stages have you inside the stomach of a whale or frog or something and you get literally sharted out at the end.

The only good thing about this game is that it saves me from having to play the sequels. Well, there are some sequences where you watch them sing for a moment in order to get a collectible, and those were kind of funny to me but maybe unironically funny since I always imagine that what's really going on is something akin to a rap battle or dogs barking.

I'll have the Tokyo Racer game with the cringey branding, please.

No free roam for some reason, you'd think the PSP could handle it but I guess they weren't feeling courageous.

Still a pretty fun game with a solid amount of customization. I still remember the music and the victory jingle to this very day. Duels are decided via health meters that drain if you lag too far behind, GREAT mechanic as it actually punishes you for hitting walls, and races with evenly matched opponents can go on for like, hilariously long and I think that's very great.

What the hell's up with the combat and am I even doing this right?
Why is this even mission based?

Best 3D platformer ever, and a fully functional proof that classic Sonic gameplay could've worked in 3D this entire time provided a developer out there other than GarageGames actually cared enough to bother making one. The game is visually stunning as well and feels iconic, and has amazing music. Some stages have you collect gems, others are simply a platforming exercise to reach the goal. (of course plenty of usual marble fare of having to precisely navigate across very narrow platforms over the bottomless abyss.) There are powerups like a speed boost and a super jump that would make Jumping Flash sweat.

Monkey Ball plus the ability to jump... Somehow the game manages to be even better than that sounds. Full manual camera control with the righthand analog stick and jumping is done with the the shoulder button. Now that is woke as hell. I want to play all 3D platformers this way now and that has ruined my life.

I have the impression that when designing these games that they were throwing darts to decide things like whether the game will use hearts, whether it uses magic, whether it uses subweapons, etc. The Sorrow games almost had me believe it was a finalization of a formula being tempered and finalized but then they go right back around and bring back some archaic element from the series like the heart system seemingly for no reason except to 'mix things up' and to differentiate the game from the others, quality be damned. Ecclesia ended things on a low note (or at least the lowest it's been since Harmony) and that has soured my perspective on the GBA/DS hexology as a whole and made it harder for me to even look at them.

There's no adequate justification for having each arm be a different attack button in a 2D platformer. Especially considering there's no adequate reason to equip a different weapon to each arm in the first place. There's no reason to use Unions seeing as I'm punished for it by having money drops replaced with hearts and hearts not replenishing at save points. (In effect making it an attack that has you running back to town if you so much as use it.) It's also gross that they've made us have to use L/R to toggle between loadouts while holding down the A button when simply tapping the A button once or twice to rotate between all three would have sufficed and been much faster. Was the addition of that third slot over DoS's two (or PoR's two character system which in effect was that game's version of that) really worth the addition of having to fumble around with a damn shift key.

I don't see myself ever playing a top down WRPG after this as I'm convinced they are are more or less identical. Hell, this game wasn't even that bad of one. (granted I don't really have a frame of reference) I just fail to see what other games in the genre can offer beyond what was on offer here. Third person perspective for immersion? Good combat? Nope, and nope. It's Cookie Clicker and you're a wizard.

Console RTS with a worker build system, This is how the 360 version of C&C3 should have worked. More gamepad friendly by at least a little bit, it's just a shame I'm not a LotR fan or really dig having a fantasy theme in an RTS. I want like, tanks and shit.

p.s. this is the game that had the 700 achievement score I think.

It's almost a bad thing Bass is playable in this. The game is such a quintessential and rewarding experience when played as Mega Man himself. Taking 32-bit assets and cramming them onto a Super Famicom cart may actually have worked in the game's favor, as it forced them to use screen space very efficiently resulting in a particular style of level design that a high mobility character like Bass maybe feels redundant in. As far as I'm concerned Bass is here because having him here is cool. Like really heckin' cool! And that dash animation, lol!