Well worth the wait. I've never seen a dlc stand so good with a game.

I suck at this game but I love everything about it. I'd give my left nut to be good at this damn thing


If you see my username, no you don't
Safe to say this forever changed me as a person and I dunno who I would've become without it
Certainly not queer
I have the puzzles and half the dialogue memorized, I am mentally unwell

Was kinda fun playing with friends but it needs a lot more.

My dad used to play this for me before our snes got stolen.
I don't remember much about this game expect I got really fucking anxious and used to call it a scary game. Very nostolgic

I only play it in short bursts which prevents me from rating it high but I still like it.
I like Almond Cookie

Being a kid that grew up on South Park and Jackass, it only makes sense I liked this game

I fucking wish i was a Club Penguin kid

A really interesting game at the time. So unsettling. Really shows that not all horror games nowadays need to be 3d first person jumpscare galore fnaf baits
Just try a little harder guys.

Its really creative and the plot is fun.

This is the first Pewdiepie video I ever watched. It officially started my brainrot.
(I first watched Cupquake play it however)

I love this game so much, I'm gonna play it rn after seeing it here. I wish there were more of these lil web browser idles with rpg elements and worlds to explore and all in cute little ascii style AGH.

I definitely appreciate how influential this game was. But if I ever returned to this game nowadays, I don't think I'd be enjoying it that much. However the mod community was so strong.

Love the concept but got a little difficult or repetitive at times. Our friend group definitely had trouble focusing on this game for long. We were still excited to play though.