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1 day

Last played

December 17, 2021

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I'm rating this game based off of being a game for 4-8 year old children. I played this though and 100% it in 2.5 hours.

It was decent, however, they really focus everything on making the game playable and fun for kids who may have just started gaming as can be seen by the menu and basic controls.

This was a pleasant surprise that was an enjoyable enough time even as an adult. I will be introducing this game to my daughter in about 1.5-2 years from now.

As an adult, I would rate this around 2.5-3 stars out of 5. Better than you would think, but far from amazing. For small children or 1st time gamers, I would rate it closer to a 4. Check out my far too in-depth review below:

Content - There is a story mode that is about 1.5-2 hours to 100% for an adult. There are also tons of minigames though like jump roping, obstacle courses, and collection challenges. All easy (except a couple), but still short enough to be interesting. I wish the story mode was a little bit longer, but it isn't a big issue.

Achievements - Achievements are simple and straight forward. They consist of beating a level, finding all collectables in a level, find all collectables total, and do all minigames. The very last achievement didn't pop when it was supposed to. I just closed and restarted the game and it popped instantly.

Sound Design - I mean, it is decent enough. Characters sound nice, sound effects are non-obtrusive, and music is generic, but not terrible. Also, the menu reads the option you have selected out loud. Great for kids who can't read yet.

Level Design - All very straight forward and simple (minus a very small maze section), but still fine. Only once did I miss any collectables and had to go back to get it. They are designed to be understandable to kids and make them feel cool.

Controls - It controls lol. The only buttons are action, jump, and move. There are small challenges where you have to do a task, so you have to move the stick one direction while pushing a face button. The last fight against a giant robot uses this to really make the moment feel much bigger than it actually is. Also, this is the most important part of a game for kids. If the controls don't work as intended, kids will just get confused and upset.

Art - Basic, inoffensive, and nice. Nothing looks terrible (textures are actually decent), and UI is clean understandable.

Challenge - Very easy overall, but as this is intended for 4-7 year olds, this does not affect the score I gave. There are 2 mini games I actually had to try like 3 or 4 times though to get every collectable.

Story - I watched like 2 cutscenes, then skipped the rest. From what I saw, it seems very close to a standard Paw Patrol episode. Kids that are fans of the show will love it.

Value - At $40 at release, the price is steep, but you can find this for $10-$20 now. If you have a kid who loves paw patrol and wants to get into gaming, this is a great purchase.