Avenging My Youth Part 1

I'm tired of being haunted by the ghosts of my past. Tired of waking up in a cold sweat thinking about my failures. I decided it was finally time to do something about this, so this is a list of 20 games that I never managed to beat growing up or games I got close to beating but stopped playing for some reason. The only rules for this list is I must have played the game at some point during my youth and never beat it. This is going to be an ongoing thing. After I beat these 20 games I will make a new list of 20 game. This will continue until I can't think of any other games I want to revisit as an adult to beat. The cutoff point for games will be the PS2 era.

I also will be excluding games from certain properties, e.g: X-Men, Mega-Man, Spider-Man, etc. I have bigger plans for certain franchises that I plan to do later on.

Currently Completed: 0 of 20


10 months ago

I feel like most children had no concept of "beating" games if that makes sense? The amount of times back in the day I would restart games for no reason instead of continuing either cuz I forgot what I was doing, I was too scared to keep going, or I just really liked the beginning, was numerous. Some of my favorite games now were ones I played the same hour of over and over again when they released and didn't actually beat until well into my teens such as Dino Crisis 1 and 2 and Tomba.

10 months ago

@stovetop Yeah I can kinda see that for some kids. But, I never really had that problem. I knew what beating a game was. I wanted to get the most out of every game I played so I tried to get to the credits in most games. I'd say about 1/3 of this list is probably games I never really tried to beat. I'd just play them for fun and go until I died. But the rest of them I tried and tried to beat but never could. The biggest one is Mickey Mania. I have vivid memories sitting down and trying to beat it. That's also one of the games my mom really enjoyed and we'd pass the controller whenever one of us died. We could get to the final level most of the time but never did beat it.

I was never too scared to keep playing any game and I can't really think of one that I'd just play the beginning over and over without trying to get through the whole game. Now for forgetting what I was doing? That's something I do now lol. I'll play so much of a game when get distracted by something else and when I come back to the game I have no idea what's going on and I have to start over.

10 months ago

I did this a few years ago myself and just started to aiming to beat these types of games that I never managed to do so before too. Gargoyles still holds a place as one of those so I may need to buckle up and do that too myself one of these days! Ganbatte homie!

10 months ago

@Doaks Yeah I want go get through the original Gargoyles before the remastered version comes out later this year / early next year.

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