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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 22, 2023

First played

June 21, 2023

Platforms Played


Beat this game at 2 in the morning today, after I started it at like 5 in the afternoon yesterday.

Metroid Fusion is a short but sweet Metroid experience, the sprite work here is phenomenal, the atmosphere is serene, the same things I basically said for Super Metroid are retained here, and in some ways improved upon it.
The SA-X is such a unique and interesting antagonist, quite literally putting samus against herself, each section with the thing is intense, and is the closest thing this series comes to a horror thriller type game.
With all that being said, this game has one thing really holding it back, and you already know what I’m about to say, the game is way too linear, now I don’t usually have a problem with that, Metroid II was linear but I liked it, so why is this one different? Well, it comes down to the fact that the game literally always shows where to go and what to do, the great thing about the Metroid series is being lost and exploring uncharted territory, when you find things or bosses on your own, you get a little sense of accomplishment, but that’s thrown all out the window here, I feel like just a simple change of not immediately showing us the map as soon as we enter the area, and instead we have to find it in the area ourselves, just that simple change could go a long way.
Even with that gripe, this is still a fantastic 2D Metroid game, it’s also weird to say this but I recommend this being your first game unless you have access to Zero Mission somehow, although idk why Nintendo decided to make the 4th game in a series that actively has a storyline going on that needs the other context of the previous games to be the most accessible game for new players, but hey, that’s Nintendo.

Onto Dread, then I’ll probably start doing every 3D entry that I’m able to play.