Log Status






Time Played

24h 0m

Days in Journal

10 days

Last played

August 13, 2023

First played

August 4, 2023

Platforms Played


Narratively interesting and much more action-focused sequel impaired by a few glaring issues that resulted from its obviously rushed development.
+ less tactical but polished and fun combat with excellent animations
+ unique story premise involving the player character moving to a troubled city with his family and making a name for himself over the years
+ memorable selection of new companions (who seem to hate each other for the most part)
+ solid skill trees that offer many choices without being overwhelming
+ viable rivalry mechanic improving upon the friendship system
+ frequently remarkable soundtrack
+/- arguably oversimplified equipment system
- lackluster conclusions to romance and companion quests
- tedious first chapter about gathering funds
- questionably written albeit exciting finale that makes waste of a compelling conflict
- huge disservice to the best character from DAO: Awakening
- significantly more side content than main story
- insultingly slow movement speed considering the amount of walking required (mod to fix this highly suggested)
- small selection of identical environments recycled over and over again even for different locations