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Replay '14

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This game is pretty good. Doesn't crack my top ten but certainly is worth of a top twenty spot. A 10/10 game. It is a bit more for mature audiences, but this game is perfect for teenagers/young adults (although I thoroughly believe that this game could be enjoyed by just about anyone.)

The most important things to say about this game are art direction and music. This game has an unnecessary amount of music, actually, coming in at about 72 tracks. Outside of the jukebox, I'm pretty sure the game itself only plays EIGHT of these. Assuming one of these tracks could have been used for the parts in the bar, making nine, that is 63 extra tracks for you to enjoy. And, they're all pretty good - despite the fact that I wouldn't consider listening to them within the game while mixing drinks, all the tracks are incredible and deserve a listen in their own right. The art style is all pixel art, and it's...pretty good. Albeit, it's nothing groundbreaking, but it doesn't have to be - it's very pleasant, everything looks beautiful, so there's nothing left to ask for. There's really not a badly designed thing within the game.

Obviously, though, the game shines in it's dialogue. This game basically never lives the bar, and it's a visual novel, so, it's a lot of reading. I understand how that would dissuade people. However, there is technically some gameplay of mixing drinks and such for your clients, and many times it ends up there's a secret option that's better, so it has a puzzle aspect as well. This, even if it's not too often, VERY much helps break up the walls of text you will read through. Not to say the text is a bad thing. This game came out in 2016, and right now it's 2024. I think most people would agree that a lot has changed in that time, especially for a game like THIS, but most the dialogue is still extremely well written. The comedy is still pretty funny, it's not tasteless, and besides maybe one or two jokes, they all got a decent chuckle out of me. Every character is distinctly themselves, and some are similar, but not the same, and it really makes the entire place feel...alive. And once learning about some of the characters, a lot of dialogue ends up having a double meaning, which is always clever and great to reread.

Spoilers Ahead. Please do not read if you haven't played!

This game has a really good...twist? Reveal? I'm not quite sure what you want to call it, but I suppose it's a reveal. We knew Jill had an ex, and her sister turns up and tells us that she's dead. I don't know how to convey how fucking GREAT this reveal is, but it opens up Jill's character like no other. The whole time, we kind of understand Jill, and she was clearly someone emotionally distant. But this immediately brings all her emotions to the surface, and in a weird way, she goes from the wise bartender to someone who is raging and grieving. It's a completely different side of her we get to see, and we get to see her open up. And it is just fucking AWESOME. I don't even think I can put it to words but every thing just...clicks. I'll also give a shout to Stella and Sei, who I think are probably my two favorites in the game. They're a lot of fun whenever they come in, and a part of me wishes they'd been in just a bitttt more.

The only bad thing is the Bullet Hell minigame you need to do for 100% completion. It's bullshit and I hated playing that shit so bad. It was super, super annoying. But that's one small thing, so, hey.

10/10. You should play this game. If you don't, you're a loser.