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Ima start this with something that captivated me from the start: the graphics. Seriously, this game looks so good I often found myself just staring into the scenery for several minutes for each new area I entered. Each city looked absolutely stunning and were definitely the best part. As for the combat, it's awesome. There are tons and tons of combo attacks you can use and you can even string them together for a longer and more power per second attack. You have 2 presets for each character, both on ground and in the air which makes it a total of 16 different moves for each individual character. There are Astral Arts which are special attacks that do decent damage once charged but then there are joint attacks which do massive damage. Both have incredible animations and i loved watching them every single time. There's tons of them too as there's a different one for every pair you can think of. The characters are good too. The game focuses on character interaction rather than the story for the most part, having little dialogue moments that are meant to show you the bonds and conversations between your crew. It was always a fun watch. Law is definitely my favorite of the crew, he's such a goofball and I really enjoyed his little arc and him going from despair to a person his dad would be proud of. Dohalim is that silly boomer of the group but when serious he goes hard. Kisara is like the mommy of the group, canonically making meals for the group, managing finances and keeping everyone in check. Rinwell was an immature child who often let her emotions get the better of her, but by the end she felt a lot more grown up and more accepting of the Renans. Shionne is an older sister to Rinwell, treating her gently but in general she acted cold due to her conditions. Slowly though, she opens up and despairs her potential imminent death, it was a heartwarming scene. Finally there's Alphen, the protagonist. Honestly he's a bit bland, but he has his moments and he peaked during the whole crown contest flashbacks and ritual, the segments explaining his origin. He's an oblivious dude who strives for justice. The story itself is good, and the plot twist towards the end was absolutely bonkers, I just wish it wasn't revealed in such a lame way. It isn't anything new or special that the story brings to the table, but it's enjoyable to play through and like I said, it's more focused on its characters.


Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
