16 reviews liked by Zmario

Before Blue Archive, I was a lonely fat nerd who didn't have a girlfriend and a job. Not much has changed but I'm trying to roll Hina and she's draining my wallet.

this game has engraved the word "cunny" into my brain

cute and funny 😭😭😭

nothing important happens in this game until the last 40 mins
tbh this would have gotten even less stars if not for the pretty banger endgame cutscenes (which i am extremely biased for because it calls back to my fav fight in the series but-)
other than that tho it’s kind of a zzzzzzz

I must have shit taste because I loved every moment of this mess

this game should have not been a video game as the actual gameplay sucks but the ost and cutscenes make up for it

story mid but everything else was great and super fun with a banger of an ost

NieR Automata, Xenoblade 1, Alien (the movie), FF7/FF7 Rebirth, Halo Reach, Sonic Colors, The Last of Us, Death Stranding, Bayonetta, Sekiro

It's not a bad game, but it does have a lot of flaws. That said, let's start with the positives. The game looks and sounds great. It also has a pretty charming story, although there's not much to it. The job system is also very cool, even though I didn't use it to its fullest potential. There's a lot you can do with the various classes. That's my problem with this game though: It has so much potential, but doesn't go anywhere with it. The story is laughably thin. You'd think the story would be more substantial, considering it's a SNES Final Fantasy game, but it's barely there. This is especially disappointing, coming from FFIV. Heck, the main villain is called Exdeath. It's so ridiculously stupid. When I first started the game, I was loving it, with pirate ships, adventure and whatnot. I was excited to see the story evolve, but it's a typical, bland cartoony story.

Then there's the pacing. It takes a dive in the second half. The game starts to feel bloated and keeps going on and on after a while, making you wonder when it's going to stop. Not only that, but the game is filled with gimmick bosses. A lot of the time, I was overleveled with good gear, but I still couldn't beat certain bosses. Ahh, but there's a trick to this boss. He attacks you every time you use physical attacks, or he can only be damaged by magic and so on. Felt like so many of the bosses didn't take any skill, you just had to know the right gimmick to take them down. This is pretty disappointing when Final Fantasy bosses have always been great in the sense that you feel like the whole team is coming together with good equipment, taking down bosses, giving you a satisfying feeling, but instead, you just have to find out the gimmick. A lot of bosses were annoying like that.

All in all, not a bad game, but certainly one of the weaker Final Fantasy games. Get it during a sale if you want to try out the cool job system, just don't expect a deep story like in IV or VI.

i cheated on the final boss lol