After beating this game four times, I can confidently say that this game rocks.

First off, the level design is great. Levels are sprawling with intertwined paths that give the game a sense of replay value. There are no wrong paths and some can lead to one of the bonus stages, which are some of the best in the franchise. On my first playthrough, understanding the game's design was a challenge as I constantly ran into enemies. On subsequent playthroughs, however, I was zooming through acts with a newfound understanding of the game's structure.

The only thing that harmed my experience was the bosses. Some were cool, like Green Hill Zone Act 2 and Titanic Monarch Act 2's boss, while others were a slog. Bosses like in Studiopolis Act 1, Stardust Speedway Act 2, and Press Garden Act 1 have too much downtime for my liking. Speaking of downtime, they should have scrapped the beginning of Mirage Saloon Act 1 as it was a snoozefest in every playthrough.

The sprite work is stunning, especially in the new levels. Studiopolis is incredibly lively with its neon-lit signs and massive screens. Press Garden has such a lovely feel with its cool colors and falling leaves. Other details are less noticeable, but make all the difference. Sonic's vibrant shade of blue plays well into the game's color palette and I prefer this color scheme over the previous games.

The soundtrack by Tee Lopes has back-to-back bangers. If Studiopolis Act 1's music isn't stuck in your head, are you even human?

Overall, I am so glad that Sonic Mania exists. For a franchise that departed from the 2D side scrolling adventures, this game lets the franchise return to its roots with shining colors. I congratulate Christian Whitehead and his team on this accomplishment and wish them plenty more in the future.


The grandpappy of meta-narratives in RPGs.

So glad this game got a proper English translation. The adorable set pieces, silly characters, and catchy tunes are what kept me pulled in. It saddens me to see so many great moments hidden behind such cryptic steps. As long as you can stomach using a guide at times, you can experience all this game has to offer.