16 Reviews liked by ZpaceMag

If I could have a sexual relationship with a game, it would be this one.

It's going to take me a while to sum up my thoughts on this game, but in the meantime I just want to express my gratitude that it even exists. Whatta treat.

This is a $70 love letter to the character and his history, and a $70 gift basket full of assorted muffins and baked goods for the fans. The game has a shorter story than SMPS4, but boy what it does with that time... Cause every single mission in this game is like the missions from Spider-Man 2018 took hella whippets and smoked a LOT of meth and decided to drive a jet ski off the grand canyon without web wings or a parachute. The main story is given in such concentrated doses, on a first playthrough I audibly went "holy shit" multiple times. This game is built on spectacle. Characters in this game are also done so well. The past 2 games had a few issues with some cornball quips and disney channel dialouge ("hes right behind me isnt he...") but the writing in this game improves on that fact. Kraven is so menacing and steals the show every time he's on screen. Venom looks like a prerender in every scene he's in, you can tell how hard they worked on his look. Miles and Peter have this really wholesome bromance and their chemistry is palpable. Mary Jane's relationship with Peter is also further fleshed out, as well as her missions.
They took every piece of criticism for the MJ mission in the first game and actually listened. You can see the last of us 2's influence on these missions. The stealth is done pretty well for a part of the game that is pretty minimal. I genuinely cant wait to see how they improve on it further in the next game. I do feel like she should ditch the pedestrian clothes and wear something that looks more.. safe? She needs armor or something, just hurt my immersion a bit.
Like that, many gameplay aspects in spider-man 2 are elevated to some extent. Car stopping crimes? They're actually fun now and you can breeze through them very quickly. Boss fights? They're less like dodge, dodge, punch punch punch, repeat and more like a real one on one fight with a villain. Its really cool.
On the technical level, this game is amazing as well. I noticed only a frame dip once in a cutscene. Otherwise its actually crazy what they did with both performance and fidelity mode. This game is optimized to hell and back.
As for side content, side missions made a big step forward. At least, some of them did. Theres a story line or 2 that actually has cutscenes and feels like a part of the main story. But the majority of them feel more like what was in the first two games where you talk to a character and beat up the guys and get some xp out of it. I hope that in the next game, side missions will be more like the side missions in arkham knight, where the majority of them don't feel like a downgrade in production quality. I think if there was one more enemy type and more bases to complete, that would have been better. You cant redo the enemy bases in this game like you could in the first one, I just wanted more excuses to be able to beat the shit out of a large number of criminals.
I also do wish the main story was a tad bit longer? Maybe 2-3 hours more would have been better, as there were some elements of the game I wish they lingered on for a bit longer.
This is a must play for any fan of the series or the character, it's so fun and theres so much to love about it. Insomniac have almost perfected their superhero formula, and I hope it just keeps getting better.

Insomniac took everything we loved about the first game and elevated it to a whole new level especially from a gameplay standpoint, and like the first game, the story packs some serious punch behind it that pulls you in right away and doesn't let go. It's non-stop from beginning to end with endless surprises all throughout the game!

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was everything I knew it would be and more, and a game I consider essential for anyone who owns a PlayStation 5.

Despite my issues with the pacing of the final parts all my expectations were met and exceeded.

I have had a lot of difficulty choosing a score for this, but I think that even though it's far from perfect, it deserves a 10/10. I am totally engrossed in this world and it still hasn't worn off after 60+ hours. At 40 hours, I only thought it was an 8/10. At 50 hours, I raised it to a 9/10. But after 60 hours, I'm confident that this is a 10/10. Yes, the loading screens are annoying, but they don't hurt the game for me that much, especially after 60 hours they just fall into the background. There are bugs, but nothing has been game breaking and with a game this massive, it's bound to happen. The main story is pretty weak overall and that's one of my major reasons for wanting to cut a point, but in the grand scheme of things the main story is a very small portion of this game, and even then it's not terrible, it has its memorable moments.

Starfield is a game that I wanted to try just because I knew the next major Bethesda RPG would be an event in gaming, I've never even played The Elder Scrolls or Fallout. I was expecting to find an interesting and silly little game to stream to my friends, which turned out to be one of the most memorable, amazing experiences I've had.

I'll be cherishing Starfield for years to come and I hope that after the dust has settled, its acknowledged as the fascinating masterpiece it truly is.

Genuinely the worst game I've ever played.
Like It's not even that it's not Assassin's Creed, the game is fundamentally bad.
Really shallow, bloated, and nonsensical, among other things.

I want my 70 hours back so I can do literally anything else with them.

i'd give it 0 but i physically cannot

Best COD game, life at the time was at its peak


Good fun. I wish it didn't have the DLC model it does but it's published by Paradox so who's surprised.

After 800+ hours, I can finally retire this gem of a game. Ultimate cozy game.

it wasn't good, but it made me laugh a lot

i might be in the minority but i really like this game, the multiplayer was so fun. its probably my favorite cod, never did the story though.
(edit: i finally did the story and it’s pretty good)

back in 2011 this game was the shit. i would play online almost every day i feel like every battlefield i played was good but this one is probably the best