15 Reviews liked by aalexlauren

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Yakuza 6 was surprisingly a fire ass game. Y6 is the 1st game on the dragon engine and it adds some very nice changes such as being able to enter buildings without a loading screen or the removal of intros in random encounters.

The combat of the game didn't click with me at first and it is clearly not as good as some the previous entries in the series, but after some upgrades it suddenly clicked, and i started loving the combat.
Extreme heat mode is 1 of the reasons why i love the combat, it can get you out of sticky situations and it can make bosses way easier. My only complaints about the combat is that the enemies block a bit too much, and for some reason they removed the equippable weapons.

The bosses are mostly very solid, but i wish some of them had more health bars. My favorite bosses in the game are: Akiyama, Yuta Usami, korean Vergil, Toru Hirose and the third Takumi Someya fight.

Out of all the rgg games that i've played, this is easily the best looking game both graphically and visually, and good lord this game has some very good looking cutscenes such as the one before the Yuta boss fight.

Y6 also brings a new location to the table which is onimichi. Even tho i think that onomichi is one of the weaker cities in the series, it was still a nice addition, and it has a tofu shop owned by the GOAT pocket circuit fighter.

The substories were pretty solid but not as good as the substories of the previous entries. Spear fishing and clan fighting were pretty fun side content but i wasn't a big fan of the baseball stuff.

Now lets get to the best part of the game and that is the story. Yakuza 6's story for me is on par with Y0 and Y5's story which is a very high bar. The game introduces a bunch of new characters. The hirose family are some very loveable characters, and my favorite of the bunch is Nagumo, who would've thought that the tutorial boss would become such a fun and memorable side character?
Yuta Usami is another well written side character that i loved, and him being the father of Haruto was quite unexpected but thankfully he isn't a horrible person.

As for the villains of the game well there are some good ones and a bad one. Takumi Someya is my favorite villain in Y6, in the final chapter we get to see how he cares for his ex wife Kiyomi and his daughter and that deep down he isn't a terrible person such as another villain that i will talk about soon, and he even sacrifices his life to save Kiyomi, but sadly he died thinking Kiyomi was dead. Toru Hirose is the other villain (not 100% sure if he is considered one) that i like, at first you think that he is just a funny old man, but then you find out that he is a very intimidating old man. Toru Hirose's backstory was very intriguing and he probably reminded Kiryu of Kazama, and like Takumi Someya he gets quite a sad death. Tsuneo Iwami is genuinely one of the most hateable, kickable, punchable, slappable villains i have ever seen, if they were aiming to make the most unlovable villain ever then they did a damn good job. Iwami ain't even very strong, dude got his ass kicked by Kiryu who suffered some heavy blows just before the fight.Sugai fucking sucks. What about the protagonist Kiryu? Well its fucking Kiryu! He is obviously a hot and amazingly well written protagonist.

As for the music well it fricking slaps! My favorite songs are:
Lots of lights which plays during the final long battle
Destiny which plays during the final Someya fight
Brother brother which is Nagumo's boss theme
The way of life which is Tsuneo Iwami's boss theme.

Overall i personally think that Yakuza 6 is insanely underrated and even tho it has a few issues i am still gonna give it a nice

Edit:I decided to higher my rating to a 10

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Now outta my way, YOU MEAT SACKS!

Yakuza 0 is the most popular entry of the franchise and it is widely considered to be the best one. After beating Yakuza 0, it became one of those games where i sit through the credits looking like a sad idiot, and that's one of the highest praises that i could give to a videogame. It's also a game where it felt like the hours flew by, i could sit down, boot up the game and then BOOM! 4 hours gone.
You have 2 playable protags: Kiryu and Majima. Yakuza 0 is a prequel set in 1988 where we get to see Kiryu before he became the dragon of dojima and Majima before he became the mad dog of shimano. Both Kiryu and Majima have multiple fighting styles that you can switch whenever you want during fights. I already talked about Kiryu's fighting styles on my kiwami review so i'm not gonna do that again.
Thug style is quicker and more accurate than Kiryu's brawler style but it does less damage and it doesn't have a very wide range making it not good against group of enemies, but if you're fighting only 1 enemy then you can easily kick their ass.
Slugger style is absolutely op, you have a bat that is good for literally everything, and slugger can tear down bosses with ez.
Breaker style is EASILY my favorite style in the entire game, even tho it isn't very good against bosses, it makes fighting groups of enemies a walk in the park. I didn't unlock the 4th style because the management games really suck! But you know what doesn't suck? That's right the disco minigame. On the disco minigame you get to pick between a bunch of songs that have 3 difficulties, and once you pick a song it is time to murder the dance floor! You take control of a silly little avatar that you have to move and hit a button on the tile it shows up on. The more steps your avatar takes the more points you get when you hit a button on the correct time. You can also have dance battles but no matter how hard you try you will never beat the GOAT Miracle Johnson.
You also have a fever meter which is really helpful to earn some points. Also quick hot take but queen of the passion is the best disco song, and yes i even prefer it over friday night. The bosses in this game were surprising really great, all the yakuza games i've played so far had mostly alright bosses with some exceptions of course. Anyways here are my favorite bosses of the game:
1.Keiji Shibusawa and Lao Gui.
It's very hard for me to decide which i one i prefer, they both have sick ass movesets that change and dope arenas that also change! Both of them also have amazing boss intros and an awesome theme.
2.Hiroki Awano
3.Kuze (final fight)
Oath of enma is genuinely a top 3 boss theme for me, and goddamn this fight made me realise how fucking cool Kuze is.
4.Homare Nishitani
Majima before Majima
5.Masaru Sera
Sera has one of the coolest fighting styles imo and i personally found this to be the hardest boss in the game.
The substories in this game are on par with Y5's substories which is saying a lot! More games should have sidequests where you have a dance battle with Michael Jackson. ALSO MY BOI SHINJI GOT HIS OWN SUBSTORY.
Ok now lets talk about the story, and oh boi what a story. Kiryu and Majima have fantastic stories filled with amazing characters that are brought to life by awesome voice acting. Most of Kiryu's story is in kamurocho but most of Majima's story is in sotenbori which is a new city. Kiryu's story is fricking amazing. My favorite side character in this game is Tachibana.
At first Tachibana had an air of sketchiness to him and i never would have thought that this dude would later earn my trust and get me on the verge of tears TWICE. I still get sad knowing that Tachibana died before seeing his sister. Even Kiryu shed tears when Tachibana died.Y0 has some gud villains like Sagawa or Shibusawa but the one that stands on top for me is Kuze. At the start of the game Kuze is presented as an asshole but as you progress through the story and after so many fights with him, you discover that Kuze is the most respectable dojima family lieutenant and he is easily the most memorable out of the 3. If you pay attention on the dialogue of the final Kuze fight, you would notice that Kiryu starts to call him sir, so yeah even Kiryu respects Kuze. Shibusawa started off as the most respectable lieutenant but it turns out that he is a dick! But something good that Shibusawa did was getting his ass beaten by Kiryu which made Kiryu become the dragon of dojima. Awano is still a bit of an asshole but he gained a bit of respect when he saved Majima. Another scene that got me on the verge of tears on Kiryu's story is the last scene with Nishiki and Kiryu on chapter 6, this scene hits harder when you know the events of kiwami 1, and this scene in particular is when i started falling in love with Y0's story.Now its time for Majima's story which i personally found to be better than Kiryu's story. I am used to the crazy Majima that everyone knows and love, but like i mentioned before we see Majima before he becomes the mad dog of shimano which was very intriguing. My fav part about Majima's story is Makoto, a blind girl who is very important to the story of the game. Majima was hired to kill Makoto but he couldn't do it, but instead he did the opposite and helped her, and why did he do that? Love. Sadly at the end of the game Majima cuts his ties with Makoto, because he knows that being with Makoto could put her in danger. Wen Hai Lee was also an interesting character, he was an ally to Majima and Makoto and he also looks like a discount Saejima, but sadly he went out with a bang. Sagawa is a very underrated villain, similar to Kuze he is a character that i first despised but at the end he grew on me. I could keep gushing on and on about this game's story and characters, Y0 has without a doubt one of my favorite stories in videogames and Majima is easily one of my fav characters oat.
You can't make a review about a yakuza game without talking about its music. So is the Yakuza 0 ost any good? Well out of all the yakuza games i played this has my favorite ost out of all of them, and that is really impressive considering that both yakuza 4 and 5 are in my top 10 videogame OSTs. Anyways here are my favorite songs:
Pledge of demon is one of the 2 boss themes of Kuze, and this theme in particular certainly makes you feel like you are fighting a badass old man.
Reign plays when you kick everyones ass on the dojima hq as Majima, and oh my god this god tier song just made that already amazing moment so much better
Oath of enma is Kuze's 2nd boss theme and it only plays during his final fight, and i personally think that this is a better boss theme than pledge of the demon.
I've already said this before but i'll say it louder, QUEEN OF THE PASSION IS THE BEST DISCO SONG!
With vengeance is Awano's boss theme and it is on par with oath of enma for me.
Two dragons is Shibusawa's boss theme and idk man they just cooked with the boss themes of all 3 lieutenants.
Firelight plays during the 8th long battle and similar to reign it makes an already amazing moment even better. The leveling system is one of complaints about the game, i wasn't a very big fan of it and i wish they kept the leveling system of yakuza 4 and 5. Another complaint i have is that the 4th styles are locked behind those stupid and unfun management minigames. I don't have any other complaints about this game. It is crazy that i bought this game for 5 euros, for such a cheap price i got an excellent game that easily sneaked into my favorites.
10/10 not my favorite yakuza game but it is my favorite 2015 game

+from front to back the best writing any rgg game has had other than yakuza 0. if that game is a gritty fxx semi-prestige with tints of bushido virtue, this one is a slimey and bawdy network crime serial that doles out gruesome reveals and hearty laughs in equal measure. it's episodic and perfectly suited for multiple play sessions while also managing to tie together a reasonably complicated conspiracy with many moving parts together without any major contrivances.
+so many great supporting cast members, whether from genda law, tokyo PD, random hoodlums in yagami's orbit, or any of the yakuza families that appear. much better than the usual yakuza formula, where a character will get like one moment for characterization and then will immediately die. and speaking of which: the deaths in this game are legitimately impactful!
+there's a lot of effort here to modernize rgg scenario design beyond being just dungeons of dudes to beat up, and when they get it I think they do a good job. infiltrating KJ art at the start of the game demonstrates this perfectly, with a wide range of tasks and hingepoints that make the mission more dynamic
+the new mortal wounds mechanic helps maintain that yagami is conceptually not the superhuman that kiryu is, and it prevents the player from just tanking damage like they might otherwise. it also makes guns more dangerous than ever before, which is probably how it should've been from the beginning.
+at first I wasn't sure what to think of dice & cube given how goofy it is and how weirdly the party game mechanics are incorporated in, but now I think it's one of my favorite ways to grind in the series. all of the combat scenarios they throw at you are wild and wonderful, and I just love getting some crazy new weapon like the railgun to try out on a pack of goons.
+ass catchem. this is probably the closest rgg has come to making a cumtown bit in-game.
+I honestly like how they balanced out yagami's personality traits to make someone more morally complex than previous rgg protagonists. before yagami, all protags were honor-bound warriors who deal in the underworld, with each game navigating this contradiction to some extent. yagami has others he's working for, but at the end of the day he's on a self-serving mission to redeem his own prior failing. justice is his guiding motive, but his methods are entirely less than legal; he'll stalk, kidnap, and torture in order to obtain evidence that he needs. he sleeps on a couch in his office at the age of 35 and spends his free time dating girls 15 years his junior. he should be utterly unlikable and yet the authenticity and straight-shooter personality takuya kimura brings to the role seals him as a genuinely interesting character that fits the game's tone perfectly. they absolutely nailed a grey morality with him that has shades of kiryu while being radically different in expression
+the drone is honestly cool as fuck and handles well too. finding QR codes around on various buildings is a fantastic twist on the old locker-key mechanic.
+the friendship system returns from y0 and is so well integrated here. there's 50 different friends around town, many of which you initially meet through the story or through shopping. returning to each friend frequently and fulfilling missions for them raises their approval and can eventually score you new items at the shops, skill books, and rare materials if you work through each friend's story. they really nailed it here by expanding it from y0 and having many random side characters appear as friends even after their plot relevance has ended. it goes a long way towards making kamurocho even more of a persistent and living locale.
+side cases replace substories perfectly. the y5 and onward model of substories that were mainly conversation-based one-shots were perfectly fun, but they lacked the experimentation that came before and that judgment returns to the formula. each case feels like a proper side quest chain with multiple activities and a solid stream of laughs, and even though there are fewer than in prior games the friend quests supplement them.
+kamuro of the dead is a neat bit of HotD worship that fulfills my rail shooter urges with a nice range of zombies and a full six levels. not as good as the scuba diving minigame from y6 imo but still up to snuff
+quickstarter makes choosing certain upgrades and perks a lot more manageable, as anything you don't buy has money contributed towards it up to the 50% point. if you're not gonna pursue stuff like shogi or D&C in the early game, you can save a lot of money buying their quickstarter upgrades later down the line
+one of the best finales in any rgg game without question. the characters feel so much richer than prior yakuza characters, especially in the villain department, where the motivations of each antagonist vary and their alliances mutate as the game continues. I even enjoyed the action stages in this section, even though neither of them were very long.
+you actually get to mow down cops in this one. fucking incredible.
+good things about drone races: the handling is interesting and versatile and the tracks are well designed
+the main plot actually incorporates side content in, with full side cases being interleaved into the main scenario. at times it's pretty obvious that they're just filler, but it's done much more tastefully than many of the prior rgg games. you also get many more breaks to go do side stuff in this one, including in the middle of long info dumps surprisingly enough. a surprising QoL change that I would not have thought of myself.
+didn't use extracts much but they're sort of neat! esp since carryable weapons are completely gone

-my one issue with the pacing: to keep the audience hooked they basically have yagami figure out the entire mystery before getting any evidence around the 2/3 mark. it's lampshaded frequently and there's still reveals afterwards to keep the drip-feed going, but their plot solution for this issue is to just torture various people until they yield the required evidence. it's grimly funny in its own way though. this is more of a positive I guess but they spend a lot of time in this game lampshading the usual ridiculous plot points of a usual yakuza game to paper over the issues with this game, and to be completely honest it worked on me.
-combat sidesteps the loose freeform brawling of y6/yk2 and instead combines various old yakuza mechanics with methodical martial arts, and it's really a mixed bag for me. early game feels slow and ineffectual, with yagami's combos all doing roughly the same thing and his kit being boring early on. once he gains more abilities its definitely better, but it's still slow and clunky.
-styles make a return in a different configuration: there's now separate styles for crowd control and for one-on-one combat. the problem is that tiger style (one-on-one) is so much better than crane style that it eclipses it completely once charge moves are in play since you'll need that high damage output + the guard-breaking abilities. tiger style yagami is sick, but they really needed to give crane more notable abilities past mid-game to help it keep pace (though the final attack upgrade made them a bit more equitable)
-running is now accomplished by tapping the cross button instead of holding it down, and this running can be used in combat to wall-jump and leapfrog opponents. this handicaps yagami's maneuverability in fights considerably however, as quicksteps now must be done when locked-on (which makes them circle around the opponent instead of allowing proper free quicksteps), and his walk speed is slow. his quickstep cancel is also not as universally applicable as kiryu's, which is a big deal when certain attacks can decrease your max health.
-the keihin gang... easily the worst combat sidestory of all time, no question. the gang appears frequently and drastically increases the encounter rate until you take out one of their leaders, of which there are only four. unless you really want to go refight the same minibosses repeatedly to keep them at bay for a bit, you're stuck slogging through random battles until they leave on their own. you're also sent a passive-aggressive text once they leave guilting you into fighting them the next time, and it's unskippable. fuck off!!
-trailing sequences are atrocious auto-scrollers. there is basically no way to lose unless you walk up to the person you're trailing, and the stealth options are limited beyond pre-set hiding points, so each of these was like 5+ minutes of staring as my phone and holding the analog stick forward occasionally.
-chase sequences return in an endless-runner form that relies heavily on QTEs. boring and trite after the first couple occurrences.
-too many parts of this game lean on kamurocho... like you spend a lot of time staring at various representations of kamurocho's streets. D&C, the drone races, kamuro of the dead, the chase and trailing segments... all of these use kamurocho streets as stages and it's the most prominent sign that this game was limited on budget.
-later in the game there's a lot more traditional rgg action stages, and they're just not up to part imo. playing these after playing the top-notch dungeons from y6 is a shocking difference.
-the arcade is packed with choices, but the new emulated games just aren't as good as prior offerings imo. fighting vipers and motor raid just don't get me as excited as vf2 and virtual-on did, for instance.
-they really needed toughness ZZs in this game at the very least. eating seven bentos in a row to restore a fully-upgraded life gauge is so fucking annoying, not to mention running to every convenience store in town to load up on bentos, sushi, and oden.
-game crash right after the finale escort section X_X
-search mode is unreasonably stiff and more often than not ends up being 3D pixel hunting. intensely claustrophobic when you can't find the solution
-rocks to have a second phase on your final boss and it's exactly the same as the first one.
-bad things about drone races: doing five 3-lap races in a row is way too much commitment. I only played the first three leagues, but they all had the same courses as well (although the second league had all of the courses reversed). also basically entirely build-dependent, which requires grinding for materials
-there are so many fucking materials in this game. I like going out of my way to pick things up in yakuza games but this is honestly over the line. there's also special materials you can get from friends... why is there no way to track who has what in the game? unless I completely missed something
-hunger gauge from y6 was so perfect and they went back to the old system.... why?? bottomless stomach isn't hard to get, but unlike y0/yk1 you aren't ever told how to get it in this game. I was literally waiting for enemies to hit me once per fight just to keep working on restaurant completion.
-"Made in Dreams"-ass pinball game

on one hand this is top-notch for rgg studio in terms of writing, pacing, structure, side stories, characterization, absolutely anything other than the gameplay itself. whenever I'm just reading the dialog I'm having the time of my life; I probably laughed more with this game than any other in the series, and for once I was really impressed with how they wove a mystery that actually suspended my disbelief. every time I pick up the controller though I'm either wading through muddy combat, snoozing through a trailing mission, or half-heartedly playing a minigame before pausing it and scrolling twitter. fixing a small thing here or there would put this as an actual all-time favorite of mine rather than something I enjoyed with reservations; hell, just lowering the encounter rate would've really brought up my minute-to-minute fun. with the cast being so fun and the foundation in place for a great game, I really can't wait to try lost judgment and see how it improves on this framework.

This review was written before the game released

Tanimura will return for sure this time

Legit cried when Itchyballs said "We are Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth"

I am just………speechless

RGG has outdone themselves yet again, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for them

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Finished playing Yakuza 4
Shun Akiyama my beloved :3
This game is fricking awesome, i thought it wasn't gonna be anything that blew my socks off because it doesn't really get a high amount of praise or a high amount of hate. The game is split into 5 different parts where you play as 4 protagonists. Kamurocho is a fun city to traverse, you can order food, play table tennis, go to the karaoke, go to a batting center etc. In part 1 you play as Shun Akiyama a handsome fella who lends money to people who pass his test. Akiyama is the 2nd most fun character to play as imo, his fighting style literally kicks ass and he has really awesome heat actions. In part 1 we also get introduced to Yasuko and Kido, both side characters that i liked. Ihara and Midorikawa are alright bosses but Daisaku Minami is a dope fight and a dope asf character who sadly gets like 1 minute of screentime. My main problem with this part is that Akiyama has the weakest substories out of all the characters, they aren't bad by any means, but they are very forgettable.
The first few chapters of part 2 are quite crazy, you see Majima with 2 eyes, the shootout scene, you break out of prison and you fight Kiryu. Saejima is a really fun character to play as, his fighting style is centered around charging powerful attacks but a nitpick i have about his combat is that he has the worst heat actions out of all the characters but they still aren't bad. Part 2 has better bosses than every part except maybe the final part. Saito is a dogshit boss but Kiryu, Ivan, Minami and Majima are all really good. Sadly we don't see Minami again after this part 😦
Saejima has really good substories especially the brother and sister ones. What keeps part 2 from being perfect is that dogshit prison break section and traversing kamurocho as Saejima is annoying as fuck because of all those damn cops.
Part 3 is the best part in my opinion.
Tanimura's combat is really great, i fuckin love his parrying and he has some pretty good heat actions. This part has the best story, it has the only somewhat decent villain in this game (Junji Sugiuchi), Tanimura has the best substories and i personally don't have any problems with this part, except that one moment where the cops were just letting Sugiuchi walk out room because they can't shoot but they can just yk arrest him?
In part 4 you finally play as Kiryu. Kiryu has easily the best combat imo because tiger drop go brr and he has the best heat actions.
The only boss fight here is Tanimura and Akiyama which is pretty solid and Kiryu's substories are really good. I really didn't like how they killed Yasuko in this part tho, you're telling me Saejima just decided to spare Katsurabitch because he just wasn't worth killing? And why was Kiryu just standing there? And why didn't Yasuko just shoot Katsuragi right when Saejima got shot? Part 5 is a good finale. They nailed Daigo, Arai and Kido's boss fight but Munakata's "boss" (which is also the last "boss" you fight) is fucking dogshit. I would've preferred if the boss was just one single strong ass bodyguard but nope lets put a bunch of enemies that dodge half of your attacks while Munakata shoots you, yep thats definitely gonna be a good fight! Only good this about this fight is the intro and also when i finally took down all those fucking bodyguards i did as many heat actions as i could on Munakata because he is a pussy ass bitch and one of the lamest villains ever, like seriously idk how they made such a painfully lame villain. Speaking of villains Katsuragi was also lame, Arai was alright but he lacked a LOT of screentime and like i said before Sugiuchi is the only somewhat decent villain that also lacks screentime but at least those 5 minutes of screentime were memorable.
Also the rubber bullets plot twist isn't as bad as some people say, i'm not gonna start spouting nonsense and say that it's actually a brilliant plot twist but it really wasn't that bad. The ost is genuinely fucking amazing, so many banger songs like the myth, material delights, for face and so much more. Overall i think this game deserves way more love, the combat is without a doubt awesome, the bosses are pretty good except for a few of them, all 4 protagonists are fucking awesome, the side content is really great, the ost is amazing and imo the dumb moments and the lame ass villains in the story, the Saejima prison break section and the final boss are what keep this game from being perfect. 9/10

2nd best yakuza. I really enjoyed this game, I loved all the playable characters, they all had unique combat and each one had their own town to explore. Each character also had their own huge minigame side quest, like playing need for speed, hunting giant bears, being a popstar, and playing baseball. The non kamurocho/sotenbori maps were cool but were pretty small and Nagasugai was hard to traverse because of the huge building circles you had to go around. They did well to differentiate each chapter, never making you lose interest. Kiryu is still dropping tigers, Saejima finally got rid of that Snape hair, Haruka is finally playable, Akiyama has a beautiful singing voice, and Shinada is the greatest thing to happen to humanity since the birth of Shaq.

I do admit, I was confused on where the story was going for a while. The first chapter progresses normally, then in the 2nd it almost feels like a whole other self-contained game. But by the end, you see some dots connect in your head, slowly. Then you move onto the next part which appears to drop the whole "yakuza" part of yakuza and is now a teen girl popstar movie complete with the mean girl rivals. But again, it masterfully and subtley connects everything together.

and by the last part you're introduced to a whole new character and are forced to open the wikipedia on baseball terminology.. and again, like the last chapters it connects together like a cool puzzle.

The finale chapter is really sick. The final boss is so great, probably the fairest hard boss in the series. And the parts where you could choose who to play as for the next part was cool.

Overall, this may feel long at times but I felt the length really was justified in how huge the scope of this game is. Instead of feeling like you start the game and 5 sidequests later you're shirtless on the millenium tower, it takes its time and encourages you with a slower pace to enjoy your surroundings and have fun with the side quests and minigames. Let me put it into perspective: By the end of chapter 2 in yakuza 5, I had more hours than I did by the end of yakuza 3. Good game!!!

i should play other games

This is pure rhythm game propaganda and by god am I here for it

Look, I could sit here and wax poetic about how this has the best characters in the series, how the plot does everything 4 wanted to do but good, how RGG finally invented fun combat, and how this game has so much fun side content your head will explode.
However, I could also wax poetic about how the ending feels somewhat anticlimactic, how Saejima's portion almost burnt me out on Y5 entirely, how his game beats you to death with its themes, and how the final boss doesn't know why they're here (or is fun to fight, for that matter.)
But at the end of the day, none of that matters. The final boss is still gonna rip their shirt off and yell KIRYUUUU and they charge at each other and the title card shows up and I nut because I am a simple man with a monkey brain.

shinada fights like a gas station crackhead

Everyone has that one game where you just start playing it, and somehow the hours fly by. This happened to me with Yakuza 5. I booted up the game, went “I’ll play for about an hour or so before I log off tonight”. Then I look at the clock and two hours are gone. Yakuza 5 is an immensely entertaining and polished experience, and I hope this review will entice you to try it out eventually.
I’m still trying to process the story of this game. Out of the five entries I’ve played thus far, this one is super convoluted and has many, many things happening at once, which means that this game’s story has earned its divisive nature among fans. Tie that with the fact that this is easily the longest game in the series so far, and it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Personally… I’m very mixed on this. I like my games a bit shorter (normally clocking in around the 20 hour mark), but I’m not opposed to a lengthier title if it makes worthy use of its play time. Yakuza 5, for the most part, earns its longer length by having a variety of gameplay styles and gimmicks to keep itself from getting stale.
What I admire the most about the story of Yakuza 5 is the main message it contains: Dreams. Everyone has dreams, and how we accomplish them comes in many different shapes and sizes. I love the emphasis several characters have about carrying on the dreams of those who are gone, it gives the plot a very personal feeling to it, and I hope all people who play this game take at least something away from what the game is trying to tell you.
What mainly sells the expanded plot of Yakuza 5 is its characters. Kiryu, like Yakuza 2 is once again pushed to new limits emotionally, and this is furthered by his dynamic with Haruka. Saejima focuses more on his prison buddies and relationship with Majima, while Akiyama is once again being his Akiyama self and helping the troubled in need. The big hit with this game is our new character, the retired baseball star Shinada, as he deals with the seemingly sadistic but secretly caring loan shark Takasugi. The dynamic between these two is excellent, and I really love how they play off one another as Shinada discovers what really happened behind the big incident he was involved in all those years back. Shinada well earned his place as one of the most popular characters in the series, and he’s definitely up there for me.
But of course, what is a Yakuza game without mentioning its ass kickin’ combat? Returning from the last game we have Kiryu, Saejima, and Akiyama back, each of them feeling much better to use and more versatile than before. Our newest brawler is Shinada, with a unique play style that is creative by utilizing elements of his past job in entertaining ways. Yakuza 5 EASILY has the best combat in the series, and it’s personally on par with the second game for me. The enemy AI is more aggressive, but that incentivizes smart play with even the most basic of foes. The physics are pitch perfect, and the combat in general has a nice flow to it. While not as arcadelike as Yakuza 2, this game regardless has very fun and rewarding combat that just makes me ready for the next battle. What about the fifth play style, you ask? Well, it’s Haruka! Instead of being a brawler (although admittedly that would’ve been awesome LOL), Haruka gets to play a rhythm minigame by having “dance battles” with other dancers in the streets. It’s a simple minigame, probably so people who are more so in it for the brawling don’t have to play a frustratingly complex or difficult rhythm game alternatively.
However, that’s only one side of the coin when it comes to gameplay in Yakuza 5. The game contains several alternate gameplay modes in the side stories. Kiryu gets two different Taxi Driver modes, one being a pretty realistic one where you must follow the rules of the road, with the other being a crazy taxi-esque race on the highways. Saejima gets to go hunting in the cold wilderness, and Haruka has several pop idol events she must attend. And lastly, Shinada gets to show off his batting skills at the range. I can’t stress enough how nice all of these modes are, they add a lot of content to the game and in true Yakuza series fashion, are all deep and enjoyable in their own right.
Aside from the PS2 games, this is my favorite visual style in the series. Character proportions are a bit better, the lighting of cutscenes and areas is a big improvement, and generally the game looks SUPER nice to look at, especially for a 2012 PS3 game. All five districts offered have their own kinda aesthetic and vibe to them which adds to the variety aspect of the game. The remaster also has this game run at 60fps, which makes this absolutely stellar presentation even 10 years later.
The soundtrack is no doubt fantastic. While it doesn’t hit the same highs as Y1-3 for me personally, I think it’s an improvement over 4, offering alot of variety for each character. I’ll have to give it a bit more of a listen to get full thoughts on this OST, but it’s great nonetheless
Yakuza 5 is RGG studios giving it their all to make a large and memorable video game experience, offering a boat load of content, a fantastic story, great presentation, and satisfying combat. You can really tell that the team behind this one had a realized vision, and put everything into making this the Yakuza game to top them all. This game isn’t perfect, far from it, but at the same time I feel like the 10/10 rating I gave it is earned. This is easily one of my favorite games of all time and I’ve even considered the possibility of 100%ing this game someday. If you consider yourself a fan of the Yakuza series, you owe it to yourself to finish this one, no if, ands, or buts. Next up I will be playing the ever so popular Yakuza 0, and I’ve been looking forward to this one. I hope it lives up to the massive hype train it’s gained for the past few years, that’s for sure.
Never Give Up.