11 reviews liked by aceruler

It's not... good. But it is one of the funniest games I've played through and it will always have a special place in my heart.

I have this game's creator blocked on twitter to prevent me from raining insults on them.

It was released just for ps2 and ps4

I know this sounds crazy, but I've been playing this for six years and it still shreds my nerves. Dropshot, lob, topspin, slice, volley, serve, and movement differ wildly from character to character, with some having special techniques, so mastering them is a challenge and a blast. We're still finding new things out about the game, too, especially in the presentation, like tiny lizards scurrying in the backgrounds and rare barks spilling from the characters when they exert themselves. The single player game is limited, but the multiplayer mode is endlessly fun. This whimsical game feels so much better in your hands than the serious tennis games, like topspin, or world tour, which take themselves too seriously, look ugly, and feel clunky (don't get me wrong. I still played the hell out of some of them!) Everybody's tennis is a real joy to play, and it captures the true feeling of competing at and enjoying tennis in a way that the serious games don't (this is coming from a tennis club player). Cannot recommend it enough.

felt underdeveloped.
I loved the original but the "remake" brings little change to the game itself.
also, my save file corrupted. whenever I load it, the game crashes.

Absolutley unsurprisingly, they botched it

Subnautica, but someone that came here before you, was really thirsty.

Worse than Wii Sports but its serviceable as a party game with friends

gonna be real wit u, im just padding my games list with dis shit dawg who the FUCK cares about the chrome dino

1 list liked by aceruler