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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 24, 2024

Platforms Played


I played through Armorer Warriors three times today on my Arcade 1up cab. Firstly I played as the orange character and it took me 14 continues to see the ending. Using the Blue/Yellow characters took me another 14 continues and finally a playthrough with the Green character took me 13 continues. I felt like I was getting better, but only a little bit. And some of the later bosses felt a bit cheap, so I was hammering the energy draining super moves.

Attacks had a good sense of weight to them, although some of the weapon pick ups felt much more useful than others. I quite liked the tank-like treads and the drill arm. Napalm was pretty cool too. Gameplay was surprisingly hectic considering the size of the mechs. I found that the size of the characters made it difficult to line up your attacks or avoid the enemy attacks, especially when the screen was busy.

Overall, I thought it was a bit bland. The gameplay was solid, but I didn’t care for the story or the characters. The graphics were good, but I’m not into the mech/military theme and none of the music was memorable.