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2 days ago

DocHardware is now playing Götzendiener

2 days ago

Skellingtor earned the Replay '14 badge

3 days ago

DeviousJinjo is now playing Final Fantasy V

3 days ago

DeviousJinjo earned the Replay '14 badge

4 days ago

4 days ago

DeviousJinjo completed Final Fantasy XV: War for Eos
Exactly the same thing as the first one, by which I mean vile, loathsome and horrifying, though it doesn't waterboard you with quite as many full page ads and at least TRIES to pretend to have something to do with its license, only the dumbest of rubes would be fooled by this. War for Eos exists for exactly one reason, and that's to make all of the same dupes who bought into the first game purchase the same arbitrary currencies all over again in the name of winning some kind of imagined competition where the only prizes are poverty and misplaced pride. It is a reset back to zero so that they can pull the same con twice. It's an entry point so that new idiots can think they have a chance.

New Empire and War for Eos are not games. They do not feature gameplay, they feature tasks. SimCity is a game about management. It involves decisions which could have dire consequences if mishandled. These games are not about managing anything. A brainwashed lunatic might tell you that they're about managing timers, but that is a person who has fallen for the lie that anything about these games is competitive. There is no skill. You are competing against nothing. The only thing that happens if you ignore the timers is you feeling bad. The only way to lose the War for Eos is to start caring about it.

4 days ago

Skellingtor finished Morse

7 days ago

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