this game changed my life, i met so many great people on this game that i’m still friends with today

unfortunately, the game is terrible nowadays

first off, the developers used to genuinely care about the community and listened to them all the time, the game felt like an indie game with how much they listened. now, all they care about is what will make them money and please investors

for example, the developers stated multiple times that they would never add arms and legs, they joked about how stupid they would be all the time and so did the community. recently, full body avatars were added and they look hideous, the only people i had ever see asking for this were vr enthusiasts who didnt play the game, nobody else, as much as the rec room youtubers want you to think they wanted them, they didnt

the devs also said when they added microtransactions that they would be completely optional for buying cosmetics and they were just a think you could do if you wanted to get tokens quickly. items now are so expensive that its literally impossible to buy most items without buying tokens

the community, which was already terrible, has only gotten worse. now that most of the cool people are gone, the game is just full of racist 10 year old children who got a quest 2 for christmas

the devs have also nearly completely stopped making rec room original rooms, they used to make like 2-3 a year, now you’ll get 1 a year maybe and it’ll die in a week, the rooms they make have also just gone down in quality too, they used to be high quality fully modeled games made in unity by the devs, now its made with the same tools as the players use, i mean yeah, they’re good tools but you can still tell that its lower quality

they’ve also just kinda stopped making quests? why? the community loved them and begs for them all the time, why would you just stop making them?

the game also runs terribly on almost every platform its on, it was already ass before and now its borderline unplayable

the new ui is also so so bad, its rlly obviously designed for screen mode and vr is barely in mind, its genuinely so hard to use it at all in vr. oh yeah and it also makes the game run at about 12 fps! fun!

the whole aesthetic of the game is also just completely off, i used to love it so much, it was so nice. like idk how to describe it but it was genuinely one of the best i had ever seen in a game. its just gone now, idk how to explain it, its just gone.

weekly challenges just one day about a year ago changed to a monthly challenge? like once a month youll have a week to do the weekly challenges to unlock a reward, they didnt give any reason for this and it was meant to only be for like 2 months originally. why couldnt they just reuse the already existing skins? thats what they always did and people never really complained unless it was a bad skin, like i genuinely can’t think of a reason for why they would do this, it’s so dumb

overall while this game used to be extremely fun, its been ruined beyond recognition, it went from online social wii sports vr to shitty child infested laggy buggy roblox vrchat knockoff

i really miss old rec room

its fun but something about it feels different from the other 2, in a bad way

good game but felt more like a generic no name platformer than littlebigplanet

the game isnt the worst thing ever but its just such a nothing game
its way too short and the level design is way too simple
this game could have been cool if sega gave sonic team time

character unlock system is so god damn annoying lmao

2 of the best puzzle games

not rlly much to say about them, its just puyo puyo and tetris lol

rlly good deal if u can find it cheap (which is very easy to do, i found my copy physically for 8 euro at cex)

its fun

dont trust most of the reviews here, theyre all heavily biased due to the terrible fandom and the way the developers handled it after the kickstarter

if u look at it as just a video game its a fun game

i havent played it but its shadow the hedgehog playing basketball so its probably sick as hell

extremely fun and amazing game but i am not renewing my apple arcade subscription to finish it

why did they cook a full course meal for the free april fools game

boring ass season 😭😭😭