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Klausermeen is now playing Dead Space

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Klausermeen followed gsifdgs

6 days ago

Klausermeen finished Like a Dragon: Ishin!
I did not expect this, I actually cannot fathom it. This might be the first yakuza game that I find to be extremely unenjoyable and I am really disappointed in this game. I already know about the praises people have for the OG version of Ishin but this ain't it, engine switch has completely butchered the combat, it feels very stiff and I cannot understand how the quality went SO low immediately after the release of Lost Judgment which was a delight. Usually a remake should have quality of life improvements but this one does not, the combat is worse, all the bugs and glitches from the original game were also ported to the Unreal Engine code, and you don't even get INFINITE SPRINTING like you do in the other modern yakuza games like what were they thinking with that one???? And now about the story, this makes Yakuza 4 look like a well written cinematic masterpiece, I despise everything about this game's story from it's confusing plot points to all the fake names and WHOA HO HOLY SHIT WHY IS DAIGO BALD AND SHOOTING A KAMEHAMEHA ALL OF A SUDDEN????
This was my segue into the newly added mechanics of ishin, the stupid "special" attacks and all the trooper card shit, it is the most boring uninspired filler garbage I've ever witnessed in any of the yakuza games and is extremely tedious to go through.

In the end, it is still a yakuza game, just not a good one :)))))

7 days ago

7 days ago

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