Got halfway and was bored. Stopped playing.

Got halfway and was bored. Stopped playing.

I finished a grand prix and stopped playing.

Got bored halfway. Stopped playing.

Died at the last boss, but had enough.

Made it to world 3, but got bored.

I was under-levelled at the final boss and died pretty quick but after 40 hrs I had enough. Watched the ending on Youtube.

Died after the 4th stage and had enough.

I finished all characters on Danger 0 with exception of one on Danger 5 to unlock the final character.

I finished Act 1, but didn't have the Key and therefore couldn't progress to Act 2 and 3. Decided to stop playing.

After 44 hrs, I decided to stop playing. I completed the main bosses but didn't get to the true ending and defeating mother.

Continues ran out so didn’t finish it but got bored

I played this game for just under 30 hrs and finished the light side, but not able to finish the dark side. But after 400+ games with only 1 win, I am going to call it done!