Log Status







Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

January 13, 2023

First played

January 9, 2023

Platforms Played


Replayed this title after many years - I owned it on the Saturn around the time it was new. A far better experience than I remember, and I contribute that to an extra 20+ years of action adventure experience. The quirks and exploration are satisfying with a fully retro direction - I was reminded of the Oasis titles (Beyond Oasis, Legend of Oasis) besides others. There's also few games that make up for the poor hit boxes and targeting with your weapons, by flat out mutually damaging an enemy when you collide.

It's a relatively short title, felt fluid to control, and filled with some satisfying tunes (that I believe are by the same composer behind Landstalker). After having a softlock issue due to an emulator after 80% of the game, I started over and was able to complete the title <6 hours with 99% of the items (I skipped a certain mini-game for said missing piece). I look forward to 5+ years from now and having the urge to replay this again.