Replayed this title after many years - I owned it on the Saturn around the time it was new. A far better experience than I remember, and I contribute that to an extra 20+ years of action adventure experience. The quirks and exploration are satisfying with a fully retro direction - I was reminded of the Oasis titles (Beyond Oasis, Legend of Oasis) besides others. There's also few games that make up for the poor hit boxes and targeting with your weapons, by flat out mutually damaging an enemy when you collide.

It's a relatively short title, felt fluid to control, and filled with some satisfying tunes (that I believe are by the same composer behind Landstalker). After having a softlock issue due to an emulator after 80% of the game, I started over and was able to complete the title <6 hours with 99% of the items (I skipped a certain mini-game for said missing piece). I look forward to 5+ years from now and having the urge to replay this again.

For a dungeon crawler, it's very comfortable. There's no gameover or penalty for losing battles. Shortcuts are frequent, you're not able to grind out an overpowered party (though how you play can easily make most of it a breeze), and there's a simple enjoyment from exploring to fill out the maps and item logs.

Finished in a bit over 10 hours. Party of Warrior, Wizard, Sorcerer. The lack of punishment meant I didn't care about healing (you also heal up anyway after combat). Had fun with a tank and two somewhat glassy cannons.

I had the urge to play it again. Minor frustrations aside, it's a great metroidvania.

Roughly 10.5 hours to 100% the map, items, and character upgrades.

Another game brought up during some Retro streams. Finally saw someone try it out and struggle a bit (turns out they thought it wasn't fun and dropped it too). I've replayed this at least 3-4 times since my initial go on the Genesis. While not amazing (outside of the music), it's a fun and short jaunt.

100% rooms, full health and all base equipment (so not including the 'secret' enemy drops) and the in game timer is showing 2:30.

I'd caught the start of a blind playthrough by one of my favorite Twitch Retro streamers. Seeing the experience of someone new to the game (and the distraction of chat) spurred on the urge to replay it again. That said, there's a lot to delay progress or items to outright miss in the game. That could be by not talking to NPCs (and again as you clear an area), realizing what you can interact with, or revisiting some past areas.

My in game time was roughly 7h 40m. Oracle Stone said 98% complete. Full equipment and found / purchased every Life Stock outside of repeats in the final shop.

If you want my thoughts on the game, it's one of my favorites. The art and music is great (with strange sound effects). The platforming is overly complicated without being unfair - there's very little that's obtuse. Don't over think it. It's a rewarding adventure with plenty of little secrets.