i just fucking found out YASUSHI NIRASAWA did the final boss design and when i was playing the game i literally said "this game sucks from start to finish but look at that final boss damn it looks cool it reminds me of nirasawa" and then now i randomly saw his artwork for it and fuck it i'm giving it 4 stars just because of that goddamn

never trust game pass players

So, apparently Drakengard is considered a real bad game and even fans of the series hate it.
I see.
I loved it.
I'm not interested in the series in the slightest way, I didn't care about the story nor the characters, I literally was in for the gameplay.
Like, I'm not that into musou games, I played very few of them, but this one was really good. Probably most of the hate comes just from it being musou, but I think it's not even that repetitive.
Sure, you have just really basic combos, but there's so many weapons that play completely different from each other and finding ways to do ridiculously long combo chains was great fun.
So fun that 20 hours of pressing Square didn't bore me in the slightest way.
And let's be real for a moment. How many of these games there were in 2003? I can only think of the very firsts Dynasty Warriors games, and honestly Drakengard is way better than DW2 (the only one I played so far).
This kind of gameplay also makes very sense to the story, as you control a character who's devoured by his bloodlust and keeps perpetrating pointless killings. You're literally living what Caim lives, and honestly that's awesome.
And then there are the air levels.
Those are simply awesome, and you don't have to like musous to enjoy them.
You have a badass dragon with a magic attack that creates an earrape, you have many kinds of enemies that must be approached in different ways, and on top of that they're really short, unlike the musou levels.
But, that's not entirely true, as you can actually complete them really fast too if you don't care about levelling up weapons and you just aim for the targets (I admit I did so in the free expeditions).
Then, about the story.
I thinks it's not THAT great, but the way it's told is really fancy. And yeah, the endings are very good.
I don't have much else to say about it, as I didn't care most of the time, but it's definitely enjoyable.
Oh, and the music.
Yeah, that's really good. It does take its time to grow on you, but when it does you just can't take it out of your mind.
It's repetitive and weird, but as the game progresses it just keeps getting better and better, so here I am thinking of buying the CD after saying that it wasn't that good.
And yeah, the final level is simply GREAT,

Or maybe it's just that I like videogames a bit too much