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A game, thats for sure...
Far Cry 5 was maybe the most superficial take on the classic Far Cry narrative at the time, yet it was pretty enjoyable because it was light, non-pretentious and didn't take itself way too seriously.
Sure, it wasn't revolutionary, all that different, but it wasn't unbearable at all either, quite the opposite- the game was fun to play through just for the sake of it.. Just kill a buncha peggies, watch an interesting enough cutscene, explode a buncha stuff and kill more peggies.

Superficial maybe, far from a masterpiece, but undoubtedly fun to play just like that.
If you're getting it, try to get it on sale.

Weird, absurd, nonsensical fever dream with weird controls, weird combat, and weird story (weird doesn't even begin to describe it actually).

The unfunnier the characters are the funnier they are, this game is at times HYSTERICAL, at times offensive and just overall, historical and cultural heritage.

Trying to beat the game in Professional mode will UNDOUBTEDLY, in certain segments, drive one to utter INSANITY. 100% completion in this game is definitely not a task for the weak-willed. This game does not forgive you

Overall a gem and a masterpiece of the early 2010s, must-play.

An even more absurd, insane, weird successor to Trigger Happy Havoc, a lore nightmare, cringey at times, hilarious at times, but overall one of the best visual novel type games ever made and won't leave you bored for 1 second.
Undeniably an exhausting experience (for me at least) and the enjoyment definitely lies within the journey and not the destination with this title.
For me, this is the best part from this franchise and the wholesome and fun moments somehow negate the insensitive fan service and blatant sex humor.
It is definitely not an experience for everyone, but if you liked THH, this is going to be better.