I was laughing so hard at the name Lord Bartholomew I had to turn off the game

What happens when you want Nintendogs + Cats but don't have a 3DS? You get this for $5 at GameStop.
It's not a horrible substitute, but it is a very one-trick pony type game, only focusing on the pet-caring aspect and BARELY having any minigames to play.
It's simple, but it suffices as a decent pet simulator akin to Nintendogs, even if it's unrealistic as all hell from someone who's owned several cats. Don't bathe your cats like they do in this game.

a lot great ideas and a beautiful atmosphere in this one, however goes by way to fast.
skeleton ending and secret ending are some of my favorite video game endings, and some of these other endings did make me ponder shit like immortality and existence itself.
talking to the diver after ruining the ocean and the "get the fuck out" guy made me laugh.
music bangs too, thanks simone!

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In no way is this perfect, in fact I'd say the story to this past the journal in the google drive is quite a stain for me, the journey this map took me through is unparallel to any gaming experience I've had. The mind-boggling times I've entered the house only to see it change, finding the mirror reality, realizing completing Underhalls takes me back to the house, finding the secret paths to and out the concrete maze, THE LIMINAL SPACES REFERENCES? THE HOUSE OF LEAVES REFERENCES? I've never been so scared of silence ever, nor I have I been jumpscared by bloody pinkies or SHREK?? All 3 of the endings are so interesting, and I will admit I cried during the housefire, first ending, and true ending. Again, I wouldn't call this perfect, but a blindfolded first-playthrough is such a special moment that I'm happy I got to experience. Happiness truly has to be fought for.

20 minutes of gameplay and constant HORRAY from Pinkie, however i can get past all of that because the sprite art is actually really good.