A game about rediscovery, about walking the same road over and over again and still finding new things to enjoy about it. Dragon's Dogma 2 finally fulfills the promises made by the first and delivers an all time open world RPG, one that justifies it's open world in a way so few games can manage. This is a game where an oxcart ride can lead to a week-long rivalry with a single griffin, where a fight with said griffin can lead to a frantic minotaur chase through the forest in the dead of night. Then, after dozens of hours of walking the same roads over and over again, the game world turns on it's head and asks you to prove your knowledge of those paths, to show your ability to simply travel from one location to another in an ending sequence that, while it lacks the surprise and novelty of the original game, more than makes up for it in sheer spectacle. Dragon's FUCKING Dogma 2 !!!!!!!!!!!

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Devil May Cry 3 remains to this day one of the best action games not just because of it's gameplay (which revolutionized the genre with it's fighting game inspired combo system and sheer breadth of tools), not just because of it's memorable bosses (Vergil's echo , despite not being the first Rival in a video game, can be felt in almost every action game since), not just because of it's writing (which marries themes of identity and familial relations with a plot that is truly Epic, in the very literal and literary sense of the word), but because it so effortlessly nails all three.

A game that starts with a shirtless man eating pizza ends with a climatic duel between near-demigods that brings to mind Cú Chulainn's duels in Táin Bó Cúailnge (not the least because of it's setting, a fjord that serves as a literal threshold between this world and the next), and Devil May Cry 3 earns every moment along the way.

This game gets five stars not for being the most polished or balanced or complex crpg, but rather for being the crpg I inevitably compare all others too. Morrowind gave me a high I've spent my whole life chasing and opened my little child brain to a whole world of possibilities and new ways of approaching both games and the fantasy genre writ large. I have been thinking about this game for the better part of the last two decades, and I will continue thinking about it for the rest of my life.