This game is awesome and I recommend anyone to play this game at least once! There's nothing quite like this game, maybe besides limbo but I haven't played that yet but I heard they are quite similar. This platform puzzle game absolutely blew me away with its visuals, this is one of the most atmospheric games I have ever played ever. I also really like that it leaves its story up to the player, so anyone can interpret the game differently with each playthrough! It was odd not to have a tutorial at first, but I grew to like that more after giving it some more thought. Its a lot of fun to figure stuff out on your own, and in the context of the game it makes a lot of sense! The character designs are really fun, the main character is an amazing stand out from all the gloomy scary enemies you face on your adventure. The enemies are really freaky looking which I like a lot, it had me guessing on what they could really be and I still don't know what they are LOLL. All in all, this is an amazing game that I absolutely fell in love with, this is one of my favorite games of all time now actually and I'm very excited to beat the second game! Highly, highly recommend this game, its fuckin sick.

This review contains spoilers

This is the best Sonic game Sonic has to offer. Everything about this game is fucking amazing. Every island has something to offer for you, Island 1 is a great starting area showing you the mechanics of the game while also allowing you to toy with the mechanics and figure out things for yourself. Island 2 is a great crossing from island 1 because in my eyes this is where the game truly starts to shine. The interactions between Sonic and Knuckles are to die for, and the layout of the island is really fun! The amount of lore you get out of this island is beautiful and shows how much Ian Fynn is an amazing choice for Sonic Team. He knows how to write a good Sonic story, his work on IDW shows. Island 3 is a pretty decent island. Its not my favorite out of the bunch because of the way its structured, I don't like how disconnected the whole island is. But the aesthetic and dialog between Sonic and Tails makes up for it. Their bond is fully shown on this island and its fucking astounding. It is right up there with the Knuckles dialog, it really explores the friendship these two have and the weight Tails holds onto from being friends with Sonic. I love it so fucking much its actually unreal. Island 4 is a fun gimmick island. You destroy 6 towers that have really fun platforming sections. This island is mostly a transition island packed with lore, and there's nothing wrong with that, but with how big that island is I wish there was more you could do. It makes this island in particular feel extremely empty and feel like wasted potential for something more. I forgot to add, but when you get to this Island Sonic idle animation changes to be extremely worn out which I love. It shows the progression of the story, its showing that the cyber corruption is having a big affect on him. From what I remember island 3 has him holding his head which is also a nice detail but here its shown full force and I love it. Island 5 is a great island, I heard a lot of bad from these last two islands but they were not nearly as bad when I played them. Island 5 is like the first 3 islands but a bit smaller in my opinion. I wish this was the biggest island instead of Chaos Island but that doesn't mean its bad. This island is good for what it is, a nice endgame era where you can show off your skills and finally reach the end of the game. Its a beautiful island too, I especially love the poppy field that's there, it adds some life into the open zone. I've avoided talking about the Titan fights because I wanted to save them for their own section because they deserve it.

Titan fights, every single time besides one, had me going "This is so fucking raw.". I cannot stress it enough, I love when Sonic goes Dragon Ball. Giganto, the first Titan fight, is an amazing showing of what these fights are. Amazing beat em ups with insane visuals and outstanding music. The Titan OSTs remind me a lot of MGSR which I LOVE SO MUCH! Sonic is known for having amazing music, even in the shittest of games. But holy fucking shit, the first Titan feels like a final boss with the music and visuals. Every Titian, besides one, having awesome ending scenes too is fucking sick. You punch through Gigantos chest like how Goku did fighting King Piccolo and its the most rawest thing ever. And remember, this is the first Titan. Titan 2, Wyvern, is a dragon dinosaur hybrid looking ass thing, and its so fucking raw. Hands down this is in the same tier in with the first Titan. The music is even better than the first one, the mechanic to beat this one is even cooler and EVEN MORE RAW! To defeat Wyvern, you have to parry its attacks, which by the way is so badass. Unfortunately the parry isn't really a parry, you just hold it down so its like a block really, but still its so cool. Forgot to mention that you fly around with this fucker as you fight, and its above the island which is so RAWWWW. This fight btw, has so much Sonic movie references which is so badass. Having quick time events during the fight was awesome, being so fast that you can take all of its rockets and just mash them all together into a ball and kick it into its side is so raw like I cannot describe it. AND THEN YOU LEAD ALL OF ITS ROCKETS INTO ITS MOUTH TO KILL IT???? God Super Sonic in this game is so badass. Island 3s Titan, Knight, is also super fucking raw. They got Infinites singer to be on this track, so you know its gonna be amazing. Knights gimmick is similar to both previous Titians but with a twist. First phase is like Giganto, you are just beating its ass, parrying when need be. But then, in phase 2, you have to parry its shield into it so you can do damage. So its like Wyvern in that sense. But holy shit the ending to this Titan, its like DBZ x Final Fantasy Sonic. Sonic takes this fuckers sword, uses it, and cuts it in half. Do you SEE HOW RAW THAT IS???? The game absolutely peaks here with Titan fights for me, the next boss fight has nothing on Knight. Supreme is a let down of a boss fight, I will not sugar coat it. I'm Here, is the boss fights main song, and its so wasted. Such a badass song should have had the best final boss to go with it. Supremes gimmick is that its like a bullet hell on both phases. Phase one is in full 3D, where you dodge and parry energy bullets and go in on the offensive. The song definitely carries as you beat this bosses ass, but sadly you are too strong once you get to this boss so you don't even get to enjoy it. Phase 2 has a nice song, and has some nice visuals too! But I just hate the fact that its in 2D, and the fact its straight up ripped from the hacking minigames. The dialog from the boss is pretty badass, but nothing is too raw from this boss. The finishing blow on the boss is pretty raw, Sonic gets thrown from Sage to punch this bigass moon and its really cool but that's the highlight from this boss. In my eyes, this ending boss should have been way cooler and should have scaled with you, but it doesn't change the fact that this game is still amazing.

The characters are nothing short but amazing in this game, Eggman and Sonic are the two stand outs in this game in my eyes. Mike and Roger did amazing jobs with their voice acting talent and I will not let that go unrecognized. Mikes tone of voice when he knows Sage is going to die, actually held so much weight. I was so invested in the Eggman and Sage interactions I almost cried because it was so sad to hear how saddened he was. The cracks in his voice when he told Sage to complete her function, oh my god man. OK ENOUGH OF THE WATER WORKS, Roger has done an outstanding job as Sonic in this game. I knew when this man got a real script, he would be just as good as Jason and Ryan. Roger using his deeper voice is perfect, that's what Roger is known for when he voices characters. So he's really able to tap into emotions when he needs to, all of Tails scenes show that off. Roger has done an amazing job on this game, and I'm so happy that he was able to stay as Sonic on this game, he was finally given a chance to shine and its payed off. Not to just highlight those two though, Colleen, Dave, Cindy, and Ryan all did fantastic jobs. They pulled emotions I thought they wouldn't be able to do but they exceeded my expectations and I'm glad to be have proven wrong. I'm so proud of the VA team on this game, and I'm so excited to see what they all do in the next game.

Gameplay in this game feels real good, this is the best Sonic has felt in a 3D space. He feels really fast which is how he should feel, he also feels real snappy which I love. You could be at max speed and then instantly turn around or stop, that is PEAKKK LMFAO. Sonic in the open zone environment is real nice, all of his moves down to the drop dash work real well here. He feels like Sonic, I haven't felt like Sonic since Generations. Speaking of Generations, Cyberspace is a thing. Cyberspace is honestly, really fucking fun. Its bite sized Gen styled levels where you race to get the fastest time, grab all red star rings, grab a certain amount of rings, and beat the stage. This adds a lot of replayability and with how short the stages are, its not a chore! Unless its a 2D stage, these stages really fucking suck. For some reason you are capped at the max speed of a turtle and cant go any faster no matter what you do. These levels wouldn't be bad if you weren't so slow, some of the platforming is real fun but being so slow ruins it. On the topic of Cyberspace, Ohtani has done an amazing job with the music here. Breakcore music in Sonic fucking works and it makes the experience so much more enjoyable. I love Ohtani and I'm so glad he was able to make banger Sonic music again.

Ohtani wasn't the only one who made amazing music, Nate wants to battle also made an ending song for people who played on hard. This song is fucking amazing, it sounds like an anime ending and punk rock at the same time. Do you know how much of a combo that is??? One Way Dream is beautiful and you need to listen to it, this song is peak and is up there with me for Sonic songs. OK ROCK, did an ending song too!!! But I think its locked to the normal difficulty so I wasn't able to hear it in game, but I've listened to it a lot. "Fuck the pain away" is the rawest Sonic lyric ever LMFAOOO, of course they don't use that version in the game but its an amazing song. The way it sounds god, they all just went so hard for this game and I love that. This is the best Sonic soundtrack of all time. We have heavy metal, punk rock, anime, lofi IN BIGS FISHING AREA WHICH BTWW SUPER FUN, we have breakcore, like this game has it all.

The last thing I wanna talk about is story, I touched it a little bit earlier but it deserves its own section. Did you love Unleashed? Then you'll love this story, this is Shonen Sonic at his peak. I love the way the story goes, even if its predictable at times. Ian Flynn needs to STAY PLEAAASEEE, he did so good with this story its unreal. The pacing isn't too slow or too fast in my eyes, its perfect. I love how the story will plant little seeds that you're like "what?" in the beginning but then later you are like "OHHHHH". This is actually PEAK Sonic storytelling. Even though this is a spoiler Sonic review I really just want you to at least watch the story on YouTube or something, its so special to see it all unfold on your own like its magical.

If I were to rate this game out of 10, id give this game an 8.5 out of 10. This game has some small issues like pop ins, momentum being a little janky, and then 2D Cyberspace, and no post game content, but this game is amazing. Like the Wyvern boss theme "I've been here waiting for the longest time, I cant believe its real". This game is for Sonic fans everywhere, it has a little something for everyone.

This game is fun, when you can get into a game. Wait times are horrible, this is just the beta and im expecting it to be better as time goes on but as for now it blows. The matches are too one sided, you either get the dragon balls and pray that your teammates arent 5 year olds, or you lose. The raiders are too strong, frieza is absolutely busted beyond belief. They have a real gem on their hands, they just dont need to fuck it up, but its the people who made xenoverse so they definitely will. Im excited for the full game, but worried updates will not be good, and characters will become DLC instantly, someone like Goku Black comes to mind. All in all, fun game when you can play it, just needs some tweeks!

I can do the red voice really well


played this with my girlfriend ands shes better at it than me so only 3 stars

if it said pegging id make this a 5

when you mod this, this game fucks

Game fucked back in the day, now not so much

you want pussy? dont play this

other half of the best game of all time

I traded this game in middle school, good game tho!!!