I did all the overworld missions between story mode and free play and it honestly made the game dull for a bit

Game 1
49th place
1 Eliminations
0 Assists
262 Damage to Players
1 Headshots

Game 2
37th place
0 Eliminations
1 Assists
25 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 3
50th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
0 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 4
48th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
622 Damage to Players
4 Headshots

Game 5
44th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
251 Damage to Players
2 Headshots

Game 6
15th place
4 Eliminations
3 Assists
1248 Damage to Players
5 Headshots

Game 7
22nd place
1 Eliminations
0 Assists
247Damage to Players
2 Headshots

Game 8
20th place
3 Eliminations
1 Assists
654 Damage to Players
5 Headshots

Game 9
49th place
0 Eliminations
0 Assists
28 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

Game 10
45th place
2 Eliminations
0 Assists
648 Damage to Players
7 Headshots

I played the shit out of the DS version as a kid

Essentially just Mega Man but with Darkwing Duck so it was good

I was in the process of 100%-ing this game but my file must have gotten corrupted because my 74% turned into a -1%. I'll be restarting but after some time

I got this when I was like 14 because the case said that it could be 2 players, which turned out to be a misprint. I abandoned it after the broken Slime Shooter controls led me to break my controller in a fit of rage. After revisiting it and dealing with the janky controls and lack of intuitive collectables I can now say that after completing this game my reward was a motorcycle racing game where the Grinch wears a leather jacket, which of course was only single player

Game 1
5th place
4 Eliminations
1 Assist
900 Damage to Players
19 Headshots

Game 2
3rd place
7 Eliminations
3 Assists
1684 Damage to Players
14 Headshots

Game 3
4th place
3 Eliminations
4 Assist
656 Damage to Players
8 Headshots

This game definitely benefitted from not including Fallen Kingdom or Dominion. I usually find the post-game search for the golden bricks in modern Lego games to be a slog but having the ability to essentially replay the game by retouring the island and finding the overworld gold bricks in between levels made it a lot more engaging

A very fun metroidvania style game that uses lucha libre moves in its combat to make it feel fresh. While its definitely rich in Mexican culture I wish that there would've been more references to lucha libre itself like the references to video games in general. Unlocking the good ending was bearable but not the most fun thing to do mainly because the levels all feel so disconnected

Kino der Toten
Round 5
6790 points
51 kills
19 headshots

Kino der Toten
Round 5
6440 points
52 kills
19 headshots

Round 17
26940 points
211 kills
4 downs
1 revive
34 headshots

Round 4
2440 points
16 kills
1 down
0 revives
6 headshots

Round 3
1920 points
12 kills
1 down
0 revives
5 headshots

Der Riese
Round 5
3110 points
25 kills
2 down
0 revives
3 headshots

Der Riese
Round 4
3630 points
25 kills
2 down
1 revive
5 headshots

Game 1
26th place
4 Eliminations
0 Assists
650 Damage to Players
15 Headshots

Game 2
86th place
1 Elimination
0 Assists
162 Damage to Players
0 Headshots

I messed around with this while I wait for all my computer parts to ship

3rd place
5 Kills
0 Assists
2037 Damage
0 Objectives