This is that kind of game that you must come back. It may not have the best gameplay combat nor graphics, but years later and no game has come close to the experience of being a Marvel superhero.

Its clumsier than the first and less characters and powers, but the graphice are top notch and combat is good.

This is one of my favorite games. Love it so much that I emulated it on pc years late and could not love it more. Amazing and impossible to replicate, hope for a remake

This is the supreme form of this sort. No other superhero game is better than this. The feeling of being a superhero here is unberable

This is the best game ive ever played. Just try to listen to the music while walking through the capital and you will know.

This is my third favorite game. Is is better overall than oblivion but is lacks the same feeling.

My favorite game with oblivion

The game is perfect, it only lacks on combat.

Its not bad, but the overall experience is not good. Combat is senseless.

Its great and it looks perfect, but combat is too lacking and is has no replay value at all.

If i could I would give it 0 stars. The combat is non existent and everything else is a downgrade from the first.

Its great and combat is okay, but it lacks on graphics and no replay value.

The game is perfect and hard to give a note. Its refreshing to play and fun, hard to not replay it.

Its great, but I prefer the second.

Completed it a long time ago. Unfortunately the replay is hard, but it was fun.