One of the most fun RPGs I have ever played, with a stellar soundtrack and enjoyable dungeons. Kinda ruined by fanservice levels of dumbass writing with some of the dumbest characters in any video game I've played and some outright fucking weirdo shit at many points of the game which made me feel disgusted

Bro the missions are literally more fun than GTA V wtf

Probably the game I replay the most often. Sonic adventure is objectively kinda shitty, as a large chunk of the game is fluff introduced to pad the game out with the extra characters. However, Sonics story features some of the most enjoyable and memorable levels in videogame history, and it stays faithful to the original sonic formula more than any other 3d sonic to this day. Call me crazy, but these have to be the most tight and satisfying controls of any 3d platformer I've played. It's soundtrack was ahead of its time with diversity and production quality which was unseen from games in 1998. I've never gotten old of starting this game up to quickly blast through sonics story, and I'm constantly finding new secrets and routes to the stages years since I first played it. This game does not get the credit it deserves anymore

ahead of its time in a lot of aspects. The story was mature and grounded when compared to its competitors, it had a well thought out alignment system which makes you feel the weight of your actions and it judges every alignment similarly so that there is no "true" choice for everything in the story. It contains lots of inspiration from occult and religious backgrounds and you can tell the development team spent lots of time on research. It's gameplay is archaic but oddly addicting for some reason. I'll start this game and five hours will randomly pass. It's menu system is pretty clunky and the encounter rate is fucking ridiculous. Seriously, you end up in fights almost every three steps and 90 percent of the time you will end up fighting more than one wave of enemy reinforcements. It's a product of its time however you can still enjoy it today and appreciate it for the aspects which remain impressive to this day

fucking balls trash dumbass cock sucking stupid fucking dumpster fire ass boring ass worse than Sonic 06 ass edgy ass music trash levels bad stupid fucking fanservicy low budget wanker

a lot of people (including me) dismiss the older SMT games at first due to their age and this weird stigma of them being unplayable or unfair. Shut tha fuck up. SMT 2, while slightly scathed by cryptic SNES bullshit and backtracking, is a very fun and engaging experience, retaining a lot of the features of the newer SMT games while also having one of the most impressive video game plots of its time which is still impressive to this day. The gameplay may be simple but I'm ashamed to say I enjoyed it more than nocturne, though its a bit on the easy side. Music is as good as always and the visuals are a large improvement over the first game. I urge anyone who's a fan of the series to give this a shot, as it may surprise you.

beginning to show its age
I can say with certainty that there is only three zones in this game which really make use of sonics unique physics, the rest being pretty boring, linear and slow platforming. High highs, low lows. Presentation was unrivaled for the time, with a great sense of style and iconic music. You can still enjoy it today, but don't keep your expectations high

consensus is that this was what "saved" the franchise for a while. However I see it as the start of a decline. The writing has been butchered into some ridiculously corny Saturday cartoon type shit and the level design is contradictory to sonics moveset and original purpose. despite this, tidbits of sonics fast and exciting gameplay can still be seen at times, and the graphics and music are astounding as always.

flamed on release due to the stigma surrounding sonic after 06, unleashed is an underrated gem which people have begun to appreciate over the years due to the declining quality of the series. A wonderful soundtrack, amazing visuals, and brilliant gameplay featuring fast paced day stages and, most divisively, the night stages, where sega experimented with slower paced, acrobatic platforming and a battle system akin to God of War. It was a crazy experiment gone right.

persona 1 is a mixed bag. The dungeons are intricate and fun to explore, but the combat is fucking stupid and the seperate character levelling breaks the experience. The story has some very unique concepts for it's time but most of the characters get little to no development. Also, one of the most unique and impressive soundtracks of all time (the ps1 soundtrack, not the psp one)

This game is a marvel both technically and mechanically. THIS is what triple A games should look and play like. The animation quality and attention to detail is fucking astounding and I doubt will be improved on for years to come. The gameplay is extremely satisfying with fast, responsive movement and unrivaled gunplay. Just a shame it's ruined by a scummy matchmaking system which bogs down any enjoyment you might have with this technical masterpiece.

Pretty boring story which only starts getting somewhere in the final act of the game, fast gameplay which is brought down by long, tedious dungeons and combat which bottles down to: Use Nemissa = Win. Soundtrack has some great tracks but too many which sound like boring background noise. A lot of people seem to like this one so I might just be delusional