Log Status






Time Played

6h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 22, 2020

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I'm not sure what I can really say about the game without giving away spoilers to an extremely story heavy experience. I'll just say that I am a huge fan of this genre and I really loved this game. I knew pretty much how it would end (not the story but the general idea of how it would go) and it went how I thought it would though it definitely surprised me with the specific story beats. It's quite thrilling and you do end up caring for the characters.

The graphics are fine. The station is beautifully detailed but there's just enough stuff where it sort of breaks the immersion. Wish the whole thing was gone over better with a finer tooth and comb. Facial animations are not really the best but I guess they're serviceable. I never really had the game hitch or glitch or break on me at all so it's a fairly stable product

The gameplay is fairly straightforward but I have to say, some of the puzzles control horribly. I've failed some puzzles purely because the controls behave just wrongly enough that it threw me off and made me fail quite a few times. Most of the "puzzles" are simply small barriers for you to work through to simulate the computer solving the problems cause it's a game and it has to do game things.

The music is pretty damn good and fits a lot of the themes pretty well. The sound design is surprisingly mediocre. Being in space gives a ton of scope for doing some pretty interesting things with sound but it's all pretty standard fare without anything standing out

All in all, the game really comes down taste and there's not much I can say about that without really spoiling the core of the game which is the story. Personally, I had a pretty good time with it and would recommend it to fans of the sci-fi genre