This game was worth every penny. Such a beautifully detailed, breathing terrain brimming with history and lore. Expansive quest lines, engaging narrative and colourful dialogue littered with dark humour and vulgar references to amuse. The assorted cast entangled in a complex tale of lost love, paternal instinct and good old fashioned blood lust that draw you in, further decorated with the thrill of hunting down Witcher contracts against formidable adversaries each with their own enriching traits and mannerisms. I still feel like I have only begun to scratch the proverbial surface of this masterpiece, and I am already hopelessly addicted to the adrenaline that floods my system as I hack bloodied, writhing limbs from any damned manifestations that dare cross my path.

Main Story complete after 98hrs. Likely another 40hrs of additional content I haven't touched left. The scope of this title is insane.

This is genuinely one of the best games I have ever played. Just finished off the HoS Expansion, and now getting my teeth into the BaW Expansion!

With over 146hrs under my belt and damn near all unique content exhausted, I feel content now to call it a day on Witcher 3. I cannot understate how much of a masterpiece this title truly is; after choosing it on a whim, it consumed me into captivating worlds, engaging emotional plots and one of the solidest character growths I have ever experienced. Quite possibly the single best game I have ever played.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2023
