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arisenmysenses shelved Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes
Giving up on this - probably the biggest disappointment I've had with a game in a long time. Everything about it is so unbearably slow, everything feels so archaic in a it's a 'classic JRPG' but in all the worst ways possible. It needs a hell of a lot of balance and QOL changes before it resembles anything like a decent game, and it's very clear it was released half-baked. The story isn't particularly engaging, but it's the painfully slow gameplay that's really turned me off it, particularly sections that involve 'take 2 steps here, cutscene, fight, take 2 steps, cutscene, fight' repeated ad nauseum, which is made worse by the fact that all dialogue and animations take about 3 seconds longer than they should to finish.

I do feel like there's a great game in here somewhere, but it's such a chore to get through that I'd rather put it down and consider coming back to it in the future if they manage to make some serious adjustments.

7 days ago

13 days ago

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