Very fun and hard tactical turn based battles with good story. Unfortunately you have to replay the game in NG+ to experience the different ending routes (you do get things that make NG+ easier and quicker, but you are still replaying the same story again and again until they branch at the end...) which for me as a casual megaten fan is too much to ask. Which is a shame because I really wanted to see all the routes - story and atmosphere are really top notch.

Very unique RPG with slice of life approach to story telling and complicated-at-first, kind of turn based, action gun gameplay. Interesting characters and setting.

Just going through story and sidequests, it's a very good game that I'm happy I finally took the time to go through. RPG can be so many things and this feels really fresh in that aspect.

Completing the Arena 100% however is one of the most tedious and pointless things I've ever done. Don't do that and other trophy objectives if you don't come by them naturally, it will make the overall impression of this game a lot worse.