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3 days

Last played

October 20, 2022

First played

July 16, 2021

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Still holds up, still one of my favorite games of all-time.

To this day, Saints Row The Third remains one of my all-time favorite games. I feel that it best represents what the Saints Row franchise should be, with its wacky mission concepts, gimmicks, clothing, weapons, characters, and so on while still maintaining a serious story about the saints trying to take over Steelport.

I understand how others might feel that 2 is the best game in the franchise, and that's totally fair because 2 is a fantastic game. But given the direction that the franchise took following Stilwater, I feel that 3 is a much better balance of seriousness and silly fun, whereas 4 took things way too over the top to a ridiculous degree.

The map of Steelport could certainly be better, but the vehicles and weapons more than make up for it (especially the VTOL, such a great vehicle), and many of the side activities are still a good time, whether it's Professor Genki's SERC or the classic insurance fraud. The only activity I actively dislike is Snatch because the AI of characters trying to get in cars is unbearably terrible. I find all of the main story missions to be fun, and the DLC isn't half-bad either.

Overall Saints Row The Third is a game I constantly find myself coming back to time and time again, and I know for a fact this won't be the last time I play it. On average, I 100% this game roughly once or twice a year, it's THAT enjoyable for me. The remaster did a great job of maintaining the same core gameplay as the original title from 2011, while improving on the graphics for the most part. The only character model I don't really care for is Pierce given that his complexion changes in practically every single game he's in, so there's no consistency with his face. That's a very minor gripe, however. On the whole I consider SR3 my favorite in the series and will wholeheartedly continue enjoying it for the rest of my life.