i feel obligated to disclose that i was always giving this game a 3.0/5.0 or higher because of the game's OST. this would've been regardless of the game's writing and gameplay. that's an important qualifier to my opinion on this game, because i think it has one of the absolute best video game tracks to ever exist in "cornered". if you are not someone who values the music in video games, for whatever reason, then please understand that this series will not have the same impact on you that it does on me.

i feel as though it's difficult to sell you on the game as a concept/premise by describing it to you, and instead would do a much better job if you just spent like 5 minutes playing it. the gameplay is far more engaging than "you play as a lawyer who scours testimonies for contradictions" sells it as, and the characters are far more endearing (and wacky) than you would expect from a legal setting. the best thing this game does is that it clearly and immediately establishes its characters and tone, and then proceeds to develop both in a way that demands the player's attention. this is one of the few games where it feels like multiple characters go through arcs that are established, developed, and resolved without any missteps in execution, a compliment that i, surprisingly, struggle to give to many games. even if you only give passing attention to narratives in games, these characters will leave an impact, and at least one will worm their way into your heart.

i've played this game probably 5 times now and i think the only case that really needs any level of editing is turnabout sisters, and mostly in terms of the execution rather than the concept. i strongly dislike how the case resolves even though i know the narrative function it serves, but it's a nitpick on my part. i will forever defend turnabout samurai as the best third case in the series with a strong second place to turnabout big top and a distantish third place to turnabout serenade.

if you've read this far without having played the game, congratulations! you've read enough out of curiosity to justify playing a game that is majority reading. i won't lie to you and pretend the series is unproblematic (the series suffers from a lot of misogyny and transphobia and has racial stereotypes at times) and without fault, or even that it doesn't suffer from an immediate and precipitous drop in quality after the trilogy, but these games are special to me, and i feel as though by saying this, i have not only explained why, but sold anyone curious on playing them.

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2020
