i'm of two minds w/this game. on the one hand, i think it's mad overlooked and is a really fun and fleshed out indie game. on the other, i can absolutely understand why someone would stop playing this after like an hour considering there's very little map variety early on (and arguably just in general). i think for me it wasn't a big issue because the missions always changed objectives and would usually have different enemy loadouts, but again, i can totally see why someone would get tired of this.

i've seen people describe this game as a 2D version of monster hunter, and while i've never touched monhun, it makes sense. this game is very "you get out of it what you put into it", and if you're the type of person who enjoys tooling around with loadouts and builds to maximize your efficiency that matches your playstyle, then this game will be great for you.

Reviewed on May 01, 2020
