Mad Max is nothing special.

It's a game with a solid foundation where both the vehicular combat and the world itself are the highest points of the game.

Unfortunately bogged down from a piss poor attempt at the Arkham & Middle Earth inspired melee combat system and the Ubisoft style of open world gameplay which is filled with tasks designed to slow the experience down to an absolute halt without adding any meaning or challenge.

This is ignoring the fact that everything that requires interaction has the lengthiest possible animation they could find.

This could have easily been a really solid 20-30 hour experience, but it's clear a lot of the effort went into filling the map with content.

If you absolutely love the world of Mad Max and doing busy-work in games, I highly recommend this game and if not, stay far far away from this.

I genuinely think this game is overhated, and was the victim of what felt like a smear campaign by gaming "journalists" and gamers in general - especially from those who never had any intention of playing the game.

The gameplay is extremely solid, and for a looter shooter it's everything you could want from a game like this - and people who like games like this, will REALLY like this one.

I personally had a solid time with it, but it will be awhile before I pick it up again - especially if the content updates Rocksteady have talked about come to fruition.