2 reviews liked by babistein

I'm gonna be honest with you, I spent well over 500 hours playing this game. When it launched it was probably the best multiplayer game, period. As it went on and Ubisoft added way more characters, the game kind of lost its identity. It lost something crucial for its survival. While Ubisoft kept adding more and more, it felt like the game was losing its fun... I sincerely loved this game when it came out, but nowadays it feels so generic I can't even touch it. I fully recomend this game IF you've never even heard of it. It's going to be extremely fun for the first 100 hours, trust me.

a shell of what it once was really, with more and more improvements to gameplay, visibility and map reworks, the game kinda lost it's identity along with it. Can be fun still, but it just doesn't hit the same.