While the gameplay is the greatest in the series, the writing is so excruciatingly poor and inevitable that I don't suggest it unless you like it or can play without the voices. I have no idea what catastrophe must have occurred in the storyboard room, and I am too terrified to inquire. The story's poor execution and presentation, combined with the obnoxious portrayals of both primary antagonists, point to excessive drug usage and/or social media use, and that's about it.

Borderlands 3 is a worthy sequel to one of the best shooters ever produced, and I enjoy that it sticks to the primary gameplay concepts and lets the loot rain down upon you. Unfortunately, I think the primary plot is a crap-fest, and the attempt at societal mockery is a flop. However, if you're just here to shoot people and splatter gore around, this is the one for you. Plenty of main objectives and side missions to satisfy that.

Reviewed on May 24, 2022
