July, 2022


3h 0m

Taking a hiatus from the competitive multiplayer games I normally play, I've been playing my way through Metroid Dread and loving all of it. I really like the way the environments change and the narrative that never seems to obtrusive. Really having a blast with this game.



Decided to put more time into the game tonight. Had a blast, the game does a phenomenal job of (more than any Metroid game in recent memory) steadily providing you powerful upgrades, without you feeling like you're a walking god.

No matter what powers you obtain, you're still Samus Aran walking around a desolate, infested alien planet which she is desperately trying to escape.

8:45pm: Played some more this evening, acquired the storm missiles after beating that flying scarab-like boss. Really liked how cryptic it was to get to it.



2h 0m

Played through the game some more today after work, trying a new routine where I start off with something less competitive and this has been in my backlog far too long. I managed to progress more through the area "Ghavoran" and am loving the new abilities, the sudden attacks from Chozo warriors and generally the sense of "dread" the game instills.