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in the end none of the following will actually matter when my real review is "miracles do happen. cing is back. holy shit"

have to disclose that i'm significantly more familiar with the ds game, as sadly a few hours into playing R, my wii died and i never really had the chance to go back to it

the best way i can describe this as a remake, and i apologize in advance for the pretentiousness, is as a really good movie adaptation of a favorite book. everything is gorgeously realized, with taisuke kanasaki's art in particular stealing the show. but on the other hand, there's an element of intimacy lost in the process. personally speaking, that intimacy is a huge part of the appeal of cing's catalog, and having the characters fully emoting and speaking on screen, as amazing as it is, does take something away from it

of course, the original DS game is quite slim, and as personally meaningful as it is to me, i would hesitate to call it an all-timer in its genre. R definitely goes more interesting places with its story, but it can also certainly feel a bit meandering, even in the remake version, and intermingling with a cast of characters and teen drama might not necessarily be a welcome replacement to the more introspective and exploratory tone of the first game for everyone

so in essence, these are great, but personally speaking not definitive, remakes of pretty good, but personally very meaningful, games. even getting a taste of a future where cing continued on is a truly priceless thing for me, though. and i hope that through a similar miracle that brought about this remake in the first place, we can get more stories for ashley in the future (and kyle hyde (sorry i know everyone says this but i can't help it))