8 Reviews liked by baphalopod

you lot can argue whether vivian is trans or not all day she's still hot

not a review but fuck my friends for not wanting to play madverse city.

the score is solely because of that one game. you know the one.

JOB JOB: easily carries, great fun every single time
THE WHEEL OF ENORMOUS PROPORTIONS: it's like the one trivia game my friends like which makes me happy
THE POLL MINE: i love you poll mine i love knowing my friends
WEAPONS DRAWN: more like weapons drawn-out amirite ladies

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loved the part when Sonic The Hedgehog was murdered


Its an interesting concept, and its actually pretty well executed, but its hard to feel the effects of the idea? I think the amount of fun in the mechanic was probably not worth the amount of work that went into making it. Which kind of sucks cause Jonas seems like a really talented guy, I wanna see what he ends up doing after this.

got all but one of the endings because as hard as i try i am not getting that baby to stay out of the fire for 4 hours