Last night, I closed my eyes and all I could see were bullets. I am afraid.

i thlammed my penith in the car door

good game until the last boss

kiryu and miku are in the game together also theres a story but who cares

When I played Peggle for the first time I was playing it for the Microsoft Xbox STOP. When I was but a wee lad sniffle I would ask my father if we could get Peggle he said no STOP when i was in the third grade I thought I was gay. This was back in 2012. Anyway onto the game it was okay uh this time around I was playing with my friends they are cool and funny and I think I had a breakfown maybe it wasn'ta breakdown but it was out of this world STOP. penis STOP. vagina STOP. my good friend arp is writing this for me as I have all of my limbs have been sawed off from the sawmine incident of 1921 STOP. something something hindenburg STOP.

This is indeed a licensed game based on Lucky Star.

I've actually beat this six times before logging it, but I wanted to say that I've truly completed it once I got the Net Idol Meister ending with at least one character. I don't recommend this to anyone that isn't desperate for more Lucky Star content. This game is repetitive and stupidly luck (lol) based, and you have to choose between playing the same three minigames or dumb quizes that I can't understand because I don't know Japanese.
I still like this game, though. It's filled with a ton of fanservice for fans of the series, nearly every bit of dialogue is voiced by the same actresses from the anime, and there's funny costumes and references. There's also a ton of characters, so you'll be playing this for a while if you want to see everything it has to offer.

Highly recommend playing this on emulator if you want to finish one playthrough in a reasonable amount of time. I'm going to keep playing this game and will write another review once I have just about everything.

i need to listen to myself more because i keep saying dont play rhythm games on emulators and guess what i do

killed a guy in one hit with "lactations" how bout you


did a replay this game still slaps hard
it's fun to play in front of friends but i dont think anyone cared that much lol

i want the lads to go to the hot spring and then play table tennis together and charge up their special return shots by staring at each other's chests

misery porn that insists upon itself

I joke about crying at these games, but this is probably the first one that got me full on sobbing. Fantastic story, great characters, Kiryu was sexy as hell, and the gameplay was kind of meh at points but I still had a ton of fun. It really shows it age at points when it comes to QOL improvements so coming to it right off of Kiwami 2 was a struggle, but I'm amazed that a beat decade old PS3 game still holds up and still gets me hard.

Rikiya best boy, Haruka best girl, Kiryu best husband.