While not quite able to pull off the effortless charm, quirk, and wit of Earthbound—to me its biggest inspiration—Eastward still makes a hell of an impression with its wonderful art, satisfying game design, strong writing, and oh my god such a killer soundtrack. John is perhaps my favorite silent protagonist of all time, and Sam is endearing to an extent that almost feels manipulative…but I still can’t help caring about her

I can’t shake the feeling that the narrative didn’t quite get to where it should’ve gone though. Upon finishing, it was a bit awing to reflect on how much despair and loss pervades the game given its bubbly demeanor, but I feel like it could’ve reached even further. Its story is really what gives it a leg up on something like Earthbound, and it seemed like it was swinging for the fences and was gonna give you a lot to chew on, but then it just…kind of didn’t. And I’m really not sure what to make of the epilogue either

Still one of the best of the year

Reviewed on May 31, 2022
