2 reviews liked by bbgames

Somewhat fun game for the first couple hours but after that got it got boring. Very easy and very short, fun to see the different roles for peach that change up the gameplay and most are fun other than the mermaid, pastry chef and detective, which I found to be slow and tedious to play.
Overall, game is alright but would definitely be improved with more abilities for the different peach forms and an increase in difficulty. I did like the boss fights and felt that they were all varied and a nice challenge in comparison to the rest of the game.
Somewhat poor performance with lots of fps drops and lag on loading screens which was odd, though I didn't have any of that occur during gameplay at least.

This game is great. One of my first games i've ever played and its great. Although Wario says some racist things at times in the story, I still come to appreciate every other part of the story itself.