Really cute game, basically the whole reason I got a 3DS back in the day.

Still obsessed with the aesthetics after all these years. Gameplay hasn't aged well though, I feel it lacks replayability compared to later games in the series. Though it has by far the best magic system.

Completely batsh*t game and I love it for that. Extremely 90s. Main criticism is how insanely hard the game gets after around halfway through; never beaten it in roughly 20 years.

The Smooth Patch mod by LazyDuchess absolutely bumps this game up to 5 stars!! It has so much gameplay and customisation options. Aside from lacking the quality of life improvements from TS4 r.e. build/buy and CAS, it is by far the best Sims game in terms of customisation, variety, and overall replayability.

Amazing game, still holds up well and I love the world customisation system. Can be a bit janky on modern systems and requires a lot of tweaking/mods to be playable, which puts me off playing it more nowadays.

Not without its issues (lag, paywalls, etc.) but still a really good Sims game with a lot of new features and quality of life adjustments. I especially love how customisable Sims are, especially as time has gone on with new patches. Just a shame the worlds aren't.

A wonderful game! Bought it on a whim one Christmas season and was immediately hooked. I love the art style and how laid back it is. The music is also amazing and it's all on Spotify too.