Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 15, 2023

First played

September 14, 2023

Platforms Played


This was my most anticipated game of the year and ultimately I was not impressed, especially with the story mode, which was far too cinematic and not enough fighting in between. While I do like what story mode did and the direction the series is going, the execution of it here did not impress me.

Invasion mode is also not very fun, having to click on each space you want to move your character would be made a lot less mundane if you could open up a big overhead map and just click the spot you want them to go. Maybe fast forward it a bit, too. It's kind of slow.

I really miss the rotating towers, I also found the unlockables and how you get the unlockables to be far more enjoyable and rewarding in past games like X and 11. Ultimately, I'm incredible disappointed and with games costing $70, I don't feel like this is a series I'll be biting on again next time unless I see some truly incredible stuff coming from it.