This game is amazing. The premise alone was already enough to convince me that this would be the best Supercell game to date. And it delivered. This is the Avengers: Endgame of Supercell. I could never have imagined that we could get the Batman vs. Superman of videogames right here, but this combines all of our beloved Supercell characters into a beautifully crafted, frenetic, satisfying, and vibrating experience.

The instant I wake up in the morning, I cannot wait to bust it for a couple rounds in this Super Smash Bros.-like game. It's just that addicting. I love to gang up on people and bust them, making them explode into the rain of shiny droplets known as gems. Every hit comes with the precise, short bursts of vibration we already know from Brawl Stars, enhancing the experience with amazing tactile feedback. And the chaos that ensues when watching this goofy mix of characters battle it out, wondering which squad will bust first, is a source of constant tension. This Marvel vs. Capcom-reminiscent crossover really brings the "smoking crack" sensation home.

However, you might find that, when the drugs run away from you, as you have not been blessed with the glorious Hog Rider, you may start experiencing the symptoms of withdrawal. Do not worry, for the next hit will come soon after, as the Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl of Supercell just never stops giving.

To round-off the package, music is just as great as the nicotinial gameplay, and the aesthetics pull it all together, giving off that arcade feeling which might remind you of games such as Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games of Vancouver 2010. I can only hope that future additions to the game are just as great as everything we have now.

They deleted my grandfathered account but still rating it this high for the memories. Some of the best gaming in ages.

Not for me. Didn't plan on beating it as I'm clearly not the target audience but it's short and has enough variety.

It's a pretty simple 2-button game with button mashing for combat and other minigame-like sections. Didn't find the level design particularly inspired either. Runs terrible and has long-ass loading screens.

Didn't even think about going for the 100%, as it is somehow very easy to miss a lot of the collectibles and then you are forced to repeat the whole level. Maybe you can kill yourself in some screens but don't count on it.

Peach looks bad-ass as a ninja tho.

This game just popped into my mind and I had to intantly log it before it became lost to time. Sea of thieves probably copied the instrument playing from here.

Fun game. If you give weird enough clues, you may send your friends into a heated argument to decide wether "knowing the contents of any container" falls into the "Bad superpower" territory, because there are so many better ones, or into "Good superpower", because it can sometimes be useful and it doesn't have any drawback.

WARNING: Do NOT fuse the obamalamadingdong with gogeta.

Also I fused "Broken controller" with "Steam" and it gave me a Steam Controller.

In my short experience with the game, I have already found many bugs, including Pals disappearing from my base and being permanently hungry, leveling up my carry capacity and it having no effect, killing a boss at the same time it kills me and losing the drops (happened 2 times), throwing Pal balls through Pals... and already became tired of the material farming.

It has some cool ideas, specially the slavery where every Pal has some productivity skills, but the rest is pretty standard. I don't see myself playing the game enough to beat it.

Who am I kidding this game is awesome

Never played the original version, but if I had to wait a full day to move a single space I would have created so many alt accounts it would have crashed hotmail's servers.

My introduction to pyramid schemes

This is what Persona 5 should have been